The approach of available transfer capability (denoted as ATC) incorporating wind generation has been paid very high attention since the development of wind generation. Based on the maximum function, this paper presents an ATC model. The characteristic of the new model is twofold. First, it considers wind turbines connected to power system and static security of power system simultaneously. Second, it is a system of semismooth equations and can be solved easily. By using the smoothing strategy, a smoothing Newton method is adopted for solving the proposed new ATC model. Numerical simulation results of the IEEE 30-bus and 118-bus system show that the new model and algorithm are feasible and effective. The impact of wind turbines connected to power system on ATC is also analyzed.
本文讨论一般的凸光顺问题minF(y):=integral from n=a to b|D^k y|~2 dt+sum from i=1 to N w^i|y(t^i)-z^i|~2.其中,k≥3而且y在闭凸集K■L_2~k[a,b]上.我们把该问题转化为半光滑方程组并给出一个求解该方程组的半光滑牛顿算法.最后证明算法的超线性收敛性并给出数值算例.