目的:探索景观疗养对不同年龄段疗养员焦虑情绪缓解的影响。方法:选取2023年7月~2024年3月来我疗养中心进行疗养的特勤疗养人员共42人。均为男性,疗养时间为15天。将疗养员分为2组,小于等于30岁的为年轻组(n = 20),大于30岁的为年长组(n = 22),分别于报到日及离队日前一天进行焦虑量表测评,统计焦虑得分总分的差值作为焦虑状态改善的评价依据。结果:年轻组两次测试的得分差值显著高于年长组(2.50 ± 1.05 vs. 1.77 ± 0.75, P Objective: To explore the effect of landscape therapy on alleviating anxiety among convalescent individuals of different age groups. Method: A total of 42 special care personnel who came to our sanatorium for recuperation from July 2023 to March 2024 were selected. All are males, with a recuperation period of 15 days. Divide the convalescent staff into two groups, with those under 30 years old being the younger group (n=20) and those over 30 years old being the older group (n = 22). Conduct anxiety scale assessments on the day before reporting and leaving the team, and calculate the difference in total anxiety scores as the evaluation basis for improving anxiety status. Result: The difference in scores between the two tests in the young group was significantly higher than that in the older group (2.50 ± 1.05 vs. 1.77 ± 0.75, P < 0.05), and the difference was statistically significant. Conclusion: Conventional landscape therapy has a better improvement effect on convalescent individuals under the age of 30.
角是反刍动物有别于其他动物的明显特征(Wang et al.,2019)。与牛科动物、羊科动物的洞角不同,鹿角为实心骨质、可年度周期性脱落、其分枝和重量受到众多因素的影响,是鹿类保护、养殖、育种领域关注的焦点问题(Bowyer,1991)。幼鹿每增长1岁,角增加1个分枝;角直径和重量也随之增加(夏志强等,2023);同一年龄组同一个体的不同阶段,茸生长速度和重量增加也不相同(Hassanin et al.,2012;李春义,2017;夏志强等,2023);鹿茸软骨与机体其他软骨组织不同,内有血管(鲍加荣等,2008;Chen et al.,2019),可供给茸生长所需的营养(Clements et al.,2010;Lin et al.,2019);血管内皮生长因子(Vascular endotheli‐al growth factor,VEGF)的含量变化对鹿茸的生长速度、茸直径、分枝数、分枝方向及角重和形态发育有重要影响(Clark et al.,2006)。