源于古希腊罗马时期的犬儒主义,因历经不同的发展时期而具有不同时代的特征。现代犬儒主义具有否认社会普遍的价值信仰、知行分裂以及蔑视努力的新样态。现代犬儒主义会对个人和社会产生多种消极影响,包括消弭社会理性批判的存在、侵害个体身心健康以及阻碍社会良性发展等。必须正视现代犬儒主义思想所激发的一系列深刻的社会性问题,并坚定地采取行动来遏制其传播和破坏力,从深化道德认识、强化道德价值影响力、矫正道德行为三个方面进行矫治。要学会理性思考并保持积极乐观的生活态度,保持对美好未来的追求。Cynicism, which originated in the Greco-Roman period, has been characterized by different eras of development. Modern cynicism is characterized by a new form of denial of the universal value beliefs of society, a division between knowledge and action, and a disdain for effort. Modern cynicism has many negative effects on individuals and society, including the elimination of rational social criticism, the infringement of individual physical and mental health, and the obstruction of the healthy development of society. It is necessary to face up to a series of profound social problems inspired by modern cynicism and take firm action to curb its spread and destructive power, correcting it in three aspects: deepening moral understanding, strengthening the influence of moral values, and correcting moral behavior. It is necessary to learn to think rationally and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude towards life and the pursuit of a better future.