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Early Triassic Volcanic Rocks in the Western Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone:Implications for the Opening of the Neo-Tethys Ocean被引量:1
In this study,zircon U-Pb dating of volcanic rocks from the Zhongba ophiolite of the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone(YZSZ)in southern Xizang(Tibet)yielded an age of 247±3 Ma.According to whole rock geochemical and Sr-NdPb isotopic data,the Early Triassic samples could be divided into two groups:Group 1 with P-MORB affinity,showing initial^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr ratios of 0.70253–0.70602,ε_(Nd)(t)values of 4.2–5.3,(^(206)Pb/^(204)Pb)_(t)ratios of 16.353–18.222,(^(207)Pb/^(204)Pb)_(t)ratios of 15.454–15.564,and(^(208)Pb/^(204)Pb)_(t)ratios of 35.665–38.136;Group 2 with OIB affinity,showing initial^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr ratios of 0.70249–0.70513,ε_(Nd)(t)values of 4.4–4.9,(^(206)Pb/^(204)Pb)_(t)ratios of 17.140–18.328,(^(207)Pb/^(204)Pb)_(t)ratios of 15.491–15.575,and(^(208)Pb/^(204)Pb)_(t)ratios of 36.051–38.247.Group 2 rocks formed by partial melting of the mantle source enriched by a former plume,and assimilated continental crustal material during melt ascension.The formation of Group 1 rocks corresponds to the mixing of OIB melts,with the same components as Group 2 and N-MORBs.The Zhongba Early Triassic rocks belong to the continental margin type ophiolite and formed in the continental–oceanic transition zone during the initial opening of the Neo-Tethys in southern Xizang(Tibet).
HE JuanLI YalinHOU YunlingZHOU AorigeleWEI YushuaiCHEN XiDAI Jingen
Detrital Zircon of Devonian Sandstones in ChangningMenglian Suture Zone, Yunnan, SW China: Implications for the Early Evolution of Paleo-Tethys
The Changning-Menglian suture zone is a critical tectonic belt pivotal to the evolution of the Paleo-Tethys.The Wenquan Formation,characterized as turbidite deposited on the western side of the Changning-Menglian suture zone as well as the eastern edge of the Baoshan Block.Analysis of detrital zircons from the Wenquan Formation reveals two significant age peaks approximately at 440 and 980 Ma,with additional age populations around 600,780,and 2500 Ma.The major age peak at about 440 Ma is come from the andesitic-dominant volcanic arc within the Lancang Block and the western Simao Block,corroborated by the presence of andesite fragments in thin section studies.Meanwhile,the zircons that form the secondary age peak at~980 Ma and other older age groups probably originate from the Baoshan Block.Deposited on the western side of the Paleo-Tethyan ophiolites,the Wenquan Formation received detrital materials from the continental margin on the opposite side.Thus,the main Paleo-Tethyan Ocean basin was not sufficiently broad enough to cut off the transference of detrital materials.It was a relatively narrow basin in the Early Devonian.
Zhengqin GanQinglai FengYuehua WeiGuichun LiuXiaomei NieTianyu Zhao
Frontier of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean in the western Mediterranean:Isotopic(Sm-Nd)constraints on sources of Devonian units from Menorca Island
The c.1000-m-thick pre-orogenic Devonian mainly metapelitic sequence of North Menorca Island shows a fairly complete stratigraphic succession.The rocks of this sequence indicate gradually increasing deeper marine conditions of sedimentation towards its uppermost levels.Furthermore,the obtained sedimentary characteristics resemble those related to a deep and narrow basin-associated deposit.Thin sills of Ti-augite-bearing alkaline gabbros occur within the Devonian sequence.The intensity of Variscan deformation increases downwards through the structure.According to the characteristics of the Devonian sequence and its location within the Variscan Orogen,a correlation with similar units located in the southern sectors of the Central Iberian Zone(Iberian Massif)is suggested.The Devonian metapelitic rocks have geochemical characteristics suggesting that they represent moderately recycled mature siliciclastic sediments,generated from erosion of distant source areas belonging to an upper continental crust.The relatively narrow range of variation observed in initial^(143)Nd/^(144)Nd ratios supports a similar source for the Menorcan slates(0.51165–0.51182).However,a marked trend is observed in these isotope ratios,from lower values at the base of the stratigraphic column(minimum value of 0.511941)to higher values at the top(maximum value of 0.512131).The^(147)Sm/^(144)Nd ratios vary between 0.1074 and 0.1238,within the range defined for siliciclastic rocks with felsic crustal provenance.The Nd model ages define a narrow range between 1496 Ma and 1754 Ma(Late Paleoproterozoic–Early Mesoproterozoic),and they are consistently younger up-section.These data rule out a provenance from the erosion of the West Africa Craton,as they are more compatible with a provenance from regions located in the Trans-Saharan Belt or Sahara Metacraton.The characteristics of the Menorcan Devonian sequence are compatible with its deposition in a narrow and deep peri-Gondwanan transtensional basin,generated to the south of an advancing Variscan o
Ricardo ArenasJose M.FuenlabradaCristian TimonerRubén Díez FernándezEsther Rojo-Pérez
Paleozoic Multi-Stage Magmatic Events Related to Proto-Tethys and Paleo-Tethys Evolution:Insights from Intrusive Rocks in the Eastern Altyn Orogen,NW China
Abundant mafic-felsic intrusions distributed in the Altyn Orogen record orogenic histories related to Proto-Tethys and Paleo-Tethys evolution.Zircon U-Pb dating of the intrusive rocks in the eastern Altyn Orogen identifies at least three major tectono-magmatic episodes,yielding ages of∼426,∼376–373 and∼269–254 Ma.The first two emplacement episodes correspond to the post-collisional magmatism in the Altyn Orogen.The∼426 Ma granitoids possess adakitic characteristics coupled with enriched isotopes,suggesting that they originated from partial melting of thickened lower continental crust induced by upwelling asthenospheric mantle after slab break-off of the South Altyn Ocean Plate.Next,the∼376–373 Ma mafic-intermediate rocks and coeval granitoids represent a large thermal event that involved mantle melting with induced new juvenile lower continental crust melting in a post-collisional extensional setting.Finally,the∼254 Ma diabase dykes intruded into the∼269 Ma granitoids,which were related to the widespread Late Paleozoic magmatism resulting from Paleo-Tethys Ocean subduction.Post-collisional magmatism in the Altyn Orogen significantly enhances understanding of the tectono-magmatic evolution in the northern Tibetan Plateau.The penetrative influence of Paleo-Tethys Ocean subduction was more extensive than previously thought.
Jiyong LiYanqing XiaXilong ZhangHaoyuan JiangTianzhu LeiYongchao WangYanhong LiuShanpin LiuXiaobao Zhang
Early Ordovician-Middle Silurian Subduction-Closure of the Proto-Tethys Ocean:Evidence from the Qiaerlong Pluton at the Northwestern Margin of the West Kunlun Orogenic Belt,NW China
Early Paleozoic magmatism in the West Kunlun Orogenic Belt(WKOB)preserves important information about the tectonic evolution of the Proto-Tethys Ocean.This paper reports whole-rock compositions,zircon and apatite U-Pb dating,and zircon Hf isotopes for the Qiaerlong Pluton(QEL)at the northwestern margin of WKOB,with the aim of elucidating the petrogenesis of the pluton and shedding insights into the subduction-collision process of this oceanic slab.The QEL is mainly composed of Ordovician quartz monzodiorite(479±3 Ma),quartz monzonite(467–472 Ma),and syenogranite(463±4 Ma),and is intruded by Middle Silurian peraluminous granite(429±20 Ma)and diabase(421±4 Ma).Zirconε_(Hf)(t)values reveal that quartz monzodiorites(+2.1 to+9.9)and quartz monzonites(+0.6 to+6.8)were derived from a mixed source of juvenile crust and older lower crust,and syenogranites(−5.6 to+4.5)and peraluminous granites(−2.9 to+2.0)were generated from a mixed source of lower crust and upper crust;diabases had zirconε_(Hf)(t)values ranging from−0.3 to+4.1,and contained 463±5 Ma captured zircon and 1048±39 Ma inherited zircon,indicating they originated from enriched lithospheric mantle and were contaminated by crustal materials.The Ordovician granitoids are enriched in LILEs and light rare-earth elements,and depleted in HFSEs with negative Nb,Ta,P,and Ti anomalies,suggesting that they formed in a subduction environment.Middle Silurian peraluminous granites have the characteristics of leucogranites with high SiO_(2)contents(74.92 wt.%–75.88 wt.%)and distinctly negative Eu anomalies(δEu=0.03–0.14),indicating that they belong to highly fractionated granite and were formed in a post-collision extension setting.Comparative analysis of these results with other Early Paleozoic magmas reveals that the Proto-Tethys ocean closed before the Middle Silurian and its southward subduction resulted in the formation of QEL.
Jinhong XuZhengwei ZhangChengquan WuTaiyi LuoWeiguang ZhuXiyao LiZiru JinPengcheng Hu
本文首次开展了对特提斯喜马拉雅带东部陆热地区的中酸性火山岩进行了系统的锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学、全岩主元素、微量元素研究,结果表明:陆热地区酸性火山岩主要为英安岩和流纹岩,样品锆石U-Pb定年获得了141.1 Ma±1.3 Ma、135.3 Ma±6.6 Ma两个年龄值;稀土元素分配图呈明显的右倾模式,轻重稀土分馏明显,Eu负异常;在微量元素原始地幔标准化蛛网图中,样品富集大离子亲石元素(LILE),亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素(HFSE),显示出壳源岩浆的特征。陆热地区中性火山岩为安山岩,样品锆石的U-Pb年龄为133.9 Ma±4.9 Ma,样品稀土元素分配图呈明显的右倾型模式,且没有明显的Eu异常。在微量元素原始地幔标准化蛛网图中,样品无Nb、Ta负异常,且其Mg^(#)值较高(42.9),相容性元素Ni、Co、Cr、V等含量相对较高,显示出一定的幔源岩浆特征。本研究认为,陆热地区酸性火成岩是在地壳伸展减薄的拉伸环境以及Kerguelen地幔柱活动的双重作用下,幔源岩浆底侵使上地壳发生部分熔融形成;中性火成岩则是与Kerguelen地幔柱活动有关的基性岩浆经历了一定程度的分离结晶,并沿着构造裂缝上涌喷出形成。
后碰撞幔源岩浆是示踪深部地球动力学和地幔动力学过程的最直接指针。印度-亚洲碰撞缝合带南侧特提斯喜马拉雅中-新生代地层中发现了规模可观的煌斑岩岩墙群,锆石U-Pb定年结果显示其整体侵位时代介于15~10 Ma。煌斑岩具有中等的SiO_(2)含量(50.0%~52.9%),较高的K_(2)O(2.30%~4.77%)和Na_(2)O含量(3.04%~4.23%),属于钙碱性煌斑岩。其高MgO含量(5.64%~7.63%)和Mg^(#)值(70~74)以及高Cr(363×10^(-6)~465×10^(-6))、Co(24.7×10^(-6)~31.2×10^(-6))、Ni(128×10^(-6)~269×10^(-6))等过渡族元素丰度,显示显著的幔源岩石特征,未受明显地壳混染。煌斑岩富含大离子亲石元素、轻稀土元素(Th、U、Ba、Pb、Nd),贫高场强元素和重稀土元素(Nb、Ta、Ti),来源于与俯冲作用有关的富集岩石圈地幔,是在石榴石稳定域含金云母二辉橄榄岩低程度部分熔融的产物。岩墙群呈东西向平行展布,指示该区域中新世处于南北向伸展背景,可能是撕裂的印度大陆岩石圈板片局部地区发生断离,软流圈上涌,导致富集印度岩石圈地幔源区部分熔融的产物。
中国西南地区在早古生代期间位于冈瓦纳大陆北缘,该地区保存有早古生代岩浆岩记录,它们的形成与原特提斯洋的演化密切相关。本文报道了滇西南地区保山地块平达乡附近的早古生代花岗岩的岩石学、全岩主-微量地球化学、LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄、锆石Hf同位素和磷灰石Nd同位素组成,以探讨保山地块早古生代花岗岩的岩石成因、岩浆源区性质以及岩体形成的地球动力学机制。通过对保山地块平达花岗岩中岩浆锆石开展LA-ICP-MS U-Pb同位素测试,结果显示花岗岩形成于465.9~454.9Ma,是中-晚奥陶世岩浆作用的产物。平达岩体主体岩性为二长花岗岩,主要矿物组成为斜长石、石英和碱性长石(条纹长石和正长石),次要矿物为黑云母和白云母。本文报道的花岗岩样品显示出高的SiO_(2)(72.16%~76.87%)和Al_(2)O_(3)(12.50%~14.36%)含量,低的MgO(0.12%~0.64%)、Mg#(20.9~35.9)、Cr和Ni含量以及较高的Rb/Sr和Rb/Ba比值;结合花岗岩较高的A/CNK值(1.06~1.45),显示弱过铝质至强过铝质的特征,表明其属于S型花岗岩。此外,平达岩体二长花岗岩样品具有低的Al_(2)O_(3)/TiO_(2)比值和变化的CaO/Na_(2)O、Rb/Sr、Rb/Ba比值,表明其岩浆源区包含泥质岩石和砂质岩石,显示混合源区的特征。结合滇西南早古生代二长花岗岩变化较大的锆石εHf(t)值(-11.10~-4.05)、磷灰石εNd(t)值(-8.76~-6.96)和Hf同位素二阶段模式年龄(2140~1704Ma),表明它们的岩浆源区为古元古代地壳中泥质岩石和砂质岩石混合源区。综合滇西南地区广泛发育的早古生代岩浆岩以及同时期的蛇绿混杂岩记录,本文认为保山地块早古生代S型花岗岩是地壳沉积组分部分熔融的产物,形成于原特提斯洋西向俯冲相关的活动大陆边缘背景。