A pilot pattern across two orthogonal frequency division multiplexing OFDM symbols with a special structure is designed for the channel estimation of OFDM systems with inphase and quadrature IQ imbalances at the receiver.A high-efficiency time-domain TD least square LS channel estimator and a low-complexity frequency-domain Gaussian elimination GE equalizer are proposed to eliminate IQ distortion.The former estimator can significantly suppress channel noise by a factor N/L+1 over the existing frequency-domain FD LS where N and L+1 are the total number of subcarriers and the length of cyclic prefix and the proposed GE requires only 2N complex multiplications per OFDM symbol.Simulation results show that by exploiting the TD property of the channel the proposed TD-LS channel estimator obtains a significant signal-to-noise ratio gain over the existing FD-LS one whereas the proposed low-complexity GE compensation achieves the same bit error rate BER performance as the existing LS one.
大规模MIMO系统中,相对于其他基于信道矩阵分解的波束成形算法,如迫零、最小均方误差算法等,匹配滤波(Matched filter,MF)具有复杂度极低的优点,从而成为一种极具实用潜力的波束成形算法。鉴于此,本文推导了基站采用MF波束成形算法时,用户端信干噪比(Signal-to-interferenceand-noise ratio,SINR)的近似概率密度函数(Probability density function,PDF)。该函数对于推导与分析系统性能,如和速率、中断概率等至关重要。仿真表明:当基站天线数趋于大规模时,SINR公式的PDF曲线趋近于通过纯仿真得到的PDF曲线。
在多用户MIMO系统下行链路中,块对角化(Block diagonalization,BD)预编码算法的和速率性能要优于匹配滤波算法(Matched filter,MF)和迫零算法(Zero-forcing,ZF)。然而,传统的BD算法利用矩阵分解来构造除当前用户的其他所有用户信道的零空间,需要O(N2)浮点运算次数(Float point operations,FLOPs)。当基站的天线数N趋向于大规模时,BD算法计算复杂度巨大。本文提出一种基于投影子方法构造其他用户合成信道的零空间的BD算法,该算法仅需O(N)FLOPs。仿真表明:同传统的BD算法相比,本文所提出的低复杂度BD算法显著地降低了实现复杂度,而和速率性能损失微小,仍然优于MF和ZF,并且当N趋向于大规模时,它的和速率性能趋向于传统的BD算法和SVD算法。