An in-plane load measuring technique is developed to perform the strength test of the micro-cantilever. Based on electromagnetism theorem, Micro UTM (Universal Testing Machine) was in-house made with the load range ±1 N and the displacement range ±300 μm. It applies an in-plane load on the free-end of the micro-cantilever. The load acts as a bending moment for the root of the cantilever, but as a torque for the anchor. The results show that for samples with different sizes the ultimate loads range from 1.3 to 69.8 mN and the calculated torque is ap-proximately proportional to the square of the bonding length. Two failure modes, fracture at the root of the cantilever and fracture at the anchor, are observed by micro examination to the debris, which indicates that there is a critical design to achieve the strength bal-ance between the cantilever and the anchor. The work demonstrates that Micro UTM is a powerful in-strument for the strength test of the micro-cantilever and similar micro-structures.
La57.6Al17.5(Cu,Ni)24.9 and La64Al14(Cu,Ni)22 bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) were prepared by copper-mould casting method. Plastic deformation behavior of the two BMGs at various loading rates was studied by nanoindentation. The results showed that the La57.6Al17.5(Cu,Ni)24.9 BMG with a glass transition temperature of 423 K exhibited prominent serrated flow at low loading rates, whereas less pronounced serrated flow at high rates during nanoindentation. In contrast, the La64Al14(Cu,Ni)22 BMG with a glass transition temperature of 401 K exhibited prominent serrated flow at high loading rates. The different rate dependency of serrated flow in the two La-based BMGs is related to the different glass transition temperature, and consequently the degree of viscous flow during indentation at room temperature. A smoother flow occurs in the alloy with relatively lower glass transition temperature, due to the relaxation of stress concentration.
Wei Peng1), Taihua Zhang2), Yuan Liu1), Lei Li1), and Bingchen Wei1) 1) National Microgravity Laboratory, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China 2) State Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics (LNM), Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
Plastic deformation behaviors of Zr65Al10Ni10Cu15 and Zr52.5Al10Ni10Cu15Be12.5 bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) are studied by using the depth-sensing nanoindentation, microindentation and uniaxial compression. The Be-containing BMG exhibits a signifi- cantly improved overall plastic strain compared with the Be-free alloy during compressive tests. Both BMGs show a loading-rate-dependent serrated flow during nanoindentation measurements, but the Be-containing alloy exhibits a much lower critical loading rate for the disappearance of the serration than the Be-free BMG. The shear band patterns de- veloped during plastic deformation are investigated by microindentation technique, wherein much higher shear band density is found in the Be-containing alloy than in the Be-free alloy, indicating an easier nucleation of shear bands in the former BMG. The dif- ference in the plastic deformation behavior of the two BMGs can be explained by a free volume model.
XING Dongmei1,2, ZHANG Taihua1, LI Weihuo3 & WEI Bingchen3 1. State Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics (LNM), Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sci- ences, Beijing 100080, China
Fe-based bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) normally exhibit super high strength but significant brittleness at ambient temperature. Therefore,it is difficult to investigate the plastic deformation behavior and mechanism in these alloys through conven-tional tensile and compressive tests due to lack of distinct macroscopic plastic strain. In this work,the deformation behavior of Fe52Cr15Mo9Er3C15B6 BMG was in-vestigated through instrumented nanoindentation and uniaxial compressive tests. The results show that serrated flow,the typical plastic deformation feature of BMGs,could not be found in as-cast and partially crystallized samples during nanoinden-tation. In addition,the deformation behavior and mechanical properties of the alloy are insensitive to the applied loading rate. The mechanism for the appearance of the peculiar deformation behavior in the Fe-based BMG is discussed in terms of the temporal and spatial characteristics of shear banding during nanoindentation.
LI LeiLIU YuanZHANG TaiHuaGU JianShengWEI BingChen