节能路由是无线自组织网络的一个重要研究课题,对延长网络生存时间极为重要。在传统路由下,多对节点之间通信使用的多条数据传递路径会出现交叉——存在公共节点,这些公共节点因需要转发来自多条交叉路径的数据包而比其它节点消耗更多的能量,从而过早因能量耗竭而失效。为了克服这一能耗不均衡问题,该文提出基于网络编码的节能路由NCBEER(Network Coding Based Energy Efficient Routing),它可捕捉多条路径交叉的机会,让公共节点对所转发的数据包进行编码,然后把编码数据包多播(Multicast)邻居节点,以减少公共节点转发数据包次数从而降低能耗;推导了编码节点使全部接收节点接收到编码数据包所需要的平均多播次数,定义了无线链路的传输代价,并将之作为信源将流量分配给不同路径的依据。仿真试验表明,NCBEER可降低和均衡节点的能耗,且能够延长网络生存时间。
A Two-hop Wireless Network (TWN) is the basic topology structure that provides network coding opportunity for improving throughput. Network coding on a homogeneous TWN, in which all the data flows have the same packet size and all the links have the same transmission rate, has been extensively investigated. In this paper, network coding on more practical heterogeneous TWNs, featured by various packet sizes and transmission rates, is studied. Based on the Markov model, the throughput of the proposed network coding scheme, together with the throughput gain, is derived, which matches the simulation results very well. Numerical analyses indicate that, encoding the packets with close size and close transmission rate and enlarging buffer size at the relay node help in improving the throughput gain.