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作品数:9 被引量:6H指数:1


  • 9篇中文期刊文章


  • 8篇核科学技术
  • 2篇自动化与计算...
  • 1篇经济管理
  • 1篇理学


  • 4篇EAST
  • 2篇PLASMA...
  • 2篇TOKAMA...
  • 2篇HEATIN...
  • 2篇LHCD
  • 2篇PASSIV...
  • 1篇NEUTRA...
  • 1篇OBSERV...
  • 1篇PLASMA
  • 1篇PLATE
  • 1篇PLATES
  • 1篇PROBE
  • 1篇PROGRE...
  • 1篇START-...
  • 1篇STRUCT...
  • 1篇SUPERC...
  • 1篇TOROID...
  • 1篇VERTIC...
  • 1篇WALL
  • 1篇DESIGN


  • 7篇Plasma...
  • 2篇Chines...


  • 1篇2014
  • 2篇2013
  • 1篇2012
  • 3篇2011
  • 1篇2010
  • 1篇2009
9 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
Effect of passive structure and toroidal rotation on resistive wall mode stability in the EAST tokamak
If βN exceeds βNno-wall, the plasma will be unstable because of external kink and resistive wall mode (RWM). In this article, the effect of the passive structure and the toroidal rotation on the RWM stability in the experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST) are simulated with CHEASE and MARS codes. A model using a one-dimensional (1D) surface to present the effect of the passive plate is proved to be credible. The no wall fiN limit is about 3li, and the ideal wall βN limit is about 4.5li on EAST. It is found that the rotation near the q = 2 surface and the plasma edge affects the RWM more.
Reciprocating Probe Measurements of L-H Transition in LHCD H-Mode on EAST被引量:1
As the power available in the initial phase of the ITER operation will be limited, accessing the high confinement mode (H-mode) with low heating power will be a critical issue. In the recent experiment on EAST, the H-mode was obtained for the first time with lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) wave only. Reciprocating Langmuir probe measurements at the outer midplane showed that the electron density ne and electron tempel:ature Te in the scrape-off layer (SOL) were significantly reduced in the ELM-free phase, resulting in the increase of lower-hybrid wave (LHW) reflection. It was found that the power loss Ploss was comparable during the L-H transition, by comparing the adjacent L-mode and H-mode discharge. The Da emission, Te and ne decreased rapidly in the time scale of about 1 ms, and the radial electric field Er turned positive in this process near the last closed flux surface. Multiple L-H-L transitions were observed during a single shot when the applied LHW power was marginal to the threshold. The floating potential (Vf) had negative spikes corresponding with the Da signal, and Er oscillation evolved into several intermittent negative spikes just before the L-H transition. In some shots, dithering was observed just before the L-H transition.
Progress of LHCD and IBW Heating Experiments on HT-7 Tokamak被引量:1
Experimental progress of lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) and ion Bernstein wave (IBW) heating was achieved significantly in HT-7. Long pulse plasmas, up to 400 s, were obtained by LHCD. High power lower hybrid wave (LHW), with PLHW of 800 kW at 2.45 GHz, was launched and the current drive efficiency was studied for different wave powers. Electron temperature and Zeff were measured in LHCD discharges. Heating experiment and recent results of high power ion Bernstein wave, with PIBW of 600 kW at 27 MHz, were summarized.
Neutron Yields Based on Transport Calculation in EAST ICRF Minority Heating Plasmas
Neutron diagnostics, including flux and energy spectrum measurements, have been applied on the experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST). The absolute calibration of neutron yields has been achieved by a calculation method using the Monte Carlo automatic modeling (MCAM) system and the Monte Carlo N-Particles (MCNP) code. Since the neutron yield is closely related with the ion density and temperature, it is a good measure of plasma performance, especially the wave heating effect. In ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) experiments, the increase in the ion temperature derived by the neutron yield indicates an effective plasma heating. Minority protons damp a large fraction of the total wave power, and then transfer part of the energy to deuterium by collisions. Neutron spectrum measurements also indicate that no tail is created by high energy deuterons during ICRF heating. However, the ion temperature derived by the neutron yield is consistent with the result by using a poloidal X-ray imaging crystal spectrometer (PXCS), showing a reliable transport calculation.
A Dip Structure in the Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation Near the Edge of the Ohmic Plasmas in EAST
Ion's toroidal velocity, vt, in both the outermost 4 cm of the confined region and the scrap-off layer of Ohmic L-mode plasmas in EAST was measured using Mach probes. At about 1 cm inside the separatrix a local minimum in vt was observed, from which a cocurrent rotation increased both inwards and outwards. The radial width of the vt dip was 1 cm to 2 cm, and both the density and electron temperature profiles exhibited steep gradients at this dip position. It was observed in both divertor and limiter configurations. To find out its origin, the toroidal torques induced by neutral friction, neoclassical viscosity, collisional perpendicular shear viscosity, ion orbit loss and turbulent Reynolds stress were estimated using the measured parameters. Our results indicate that in this particular parameter regime the neutral friction was the dominant damping force. The calculated cocurrent toroidal torque by the neoclassical viscosity dominates over those from the collisional perpendicular shear viscosity, ion orbit loss and turbulent Reynolds stress. These results are potentially important for the understanding of boundary conditions for the intrinsic toroidal momentum in tokamak plasmas.
徐国盛V.NAULIN万宝年郭后扬张炜常加峰颜宁丁斯晔张凌王亮刘少承刘鹏蒋敏汪惠乾J.Juul RASMUSSENA.H.NIELSEN肖持进高翔胡立群朱思铮吴振伟钱金平龚先祖
Observation of Blobs and Holes in the Boundary Plasma of EAST Tokamak被引量:1
Intermittent convective transport at the edge and in the scrape-off layer (SOL) of EAST was investigated by using fast reciprocating Langmuir probe. Holes, as part of plasma structures, were detected for the first time inside the shear layer. The amplitude probability distribution function of the turbulence is strongly skewed, with positive skewed events ("blobs") prevailing in the SOL region and negative skewed events ("holes") dominant inside the shear layer. The statistical properties coincide with previous observations from JET. The generation mechanism of blobs and holes is also discussed. In addition burst structure and dynamics character of them are also presented.
Design of Thomson Scattering Diagnostic System on EAST被引量:1
Primary physical design of the Thomson scattering system for EAST, including the configuration of the system and the design considerations of different sections of the system, is presented. The expected measurability of this design, namely an electron temperature of 513 eV to 5 keV and a plasma density beyond 0.5× 10^19 m^-3, fulfills the requirements of the EAST operation.
Effect of passive plates on vertical instability in the EAST tokamak被引量:1
The effect of passive plates on vertical displacement control in the EAST tokamak is investigated by open loop experiments and numerical simulations based on a rigid displacement model. The experiments and simulations indicate that the vertical instability growth rate is reduced by a factor of about 2 in the presence of the passive plates, where the adjacent segments are not connected to each other. The simulations also show that the vertical instability growth rate is reduced by a factor of about 10 if all adjacent segments on each passive plate loop are connected to each other. The operational window is greatly enlarged with the passive plates.
Operation with 1 MA Plasma Current in EAST被引量:1
Discharge with a plasma current of 1 MA at a line-averaged density of 1.8× 10^19 m^-3 was realized in EAST, a fully superconducting tokamak. The key issues to achieve the discharge with 1 MA plasma current include both early shaping and LHCD assistance during start-up phase to extend the voltage margin of poloidal field (PF) coils for easier plasma control, an optimization of the control methodology for PF coils to avoid over-current fault and a very good wall condition. A better wall condition was achieved mainly by extensive Lithium coating. Both stationary H- mode and diverted plasma discharge of 100 s were also obtained.