通过径向微动的数值模拟,研究了径向微动磨损过程中的力学行为和损伤机理.以球(Si3N4)-平板(Vita Mark II)模型为研究对象,通过Hertz理论分析,得到球和平板的接触半径、法向分布力之间的关系.应用Ansys软件建立有限元模型,计算得到接触表面的应力、应变和滑移分布.研究结果表明:滑动区摩擦因数对粘着区应力、应变影响不大,但对滑动区应力、应变、滑移量造成的影响比较明显,必须考虑;采用弹性模量和泊松比相近的材料为对摩副时,可减小相对滑移量,降低磨损;在滑动区,特别是在接近接触边缘区域,滑移量较大,与实验结果吻合.
The torsional fretting wear tests of 7075 aluminum alloy flat against 52100 steel ball in dry condition were carried out on a new high-precision torsional fretting-wear tester.The kinetics behaviors and damage mechanism of 7075 aluminum alloy under different angular displacement amplitudes were investigated in detail.The results show that the torsional fretting running behaviors of 7075 aluminum alloy can be defined by three fretting regimes(i.e.partial slip regime(PSR),mixed fretting regime(MFR) and slip regime(SR)) with the increase of angular displacement amplitudes.In PSR,the damage occurs at the lateral portion of the contact zone with a slight annular shape.However,in MFR and SR,more severe damages are observed and the debris layer covers the wear scars.Friction torque and dissipation energy which are strongly dependent upon the imposed angular displacement amplitudes and presented in three stages were discussed in detail.The mechanisms of torsional fretting wear of aluminum alloy are mainly oxidative wear,abrasive wear and delamination in the three fretting regimes.In addition,the oxidative debris plays an important role during the torsional fretting wear processes.