In a Doppler-broadened ladder-type cesium atomic system (6S1/2 6P3/2-8S1/2), this paper characterizes electro- magnetically induced transparency (EIT) in two different experimental arrangements, and investigates the influence of the double-resonance optical-pumping (DROP) effect on EIT in both arrangements. When the probe laser is weak, DROP is explicitly suppressed. When the probe laser is moderate, population of the intermediate level (6P3/2 FI = 5) is remarkable, therefore DROP is mixed with EIT. An interesting bimodal spectrum with the broad component due to DROP and the narrow part due to EIT has been clearly observed in cesium 6S1/2 F = 4-6P3/2 F^1= 5-8S1/2 F^11 = 4 transitions.
A single cesium atom is trapped in a far-off-resonance optical dipole trap (FORT) from the magneto-optical trap (MOT) and directly imaged by using a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. The binary single-atom steps and photon anti-bunching are observed by a photon-counting-based HBT system using fluorescence light. The average atom dwelling time in the FORT is about 9 s. To reduce the background noise in the detection procedure we employ a weak probe laser tuned to the D1 line to il- lurninate the single atom from the direction perpendicular to the large-numerical-aperture collimation system. The second or- der degree of coherence g(2)(r)=0.12_+0.02 is obtained directly from the fluorescence light of the single atom without deducting the background. The background light has been suppressed to 10 counts per 50 ms, which is much lower compared with the reported results. The measured g(2)(r) is in good agreement with theoretical analysis. The system provides a simple and effi- cient method to manipulate and measure single neutral atoms, and opens a way to create an efficient controlled single-photon source.
GUO YanQiang LI Gang ZHANG YanFeng ZHANG PengFei WANG JunMin ZHANG TianCai