This paper investigates the linear minimum mean square error estimation for the Markov jump linear system (MJL...
Chunyan Han 1 , Wei Wang 2 , Huanshui Zhang 2 , 1. School of Electrical Engineering, University of Jinan, Jinan, 2500222. School of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, 250061
In this paper, optimal estimation for discrete-time linear time-varying systems with randomly state and measurement delays is considered. By introducing a set of binary random variables, the system is converted into the one with both multiplicative noises and constant delays. Then, an estimator which includes the cases of smoothing and filter- ing, is derived via the projection formula, and the solution is given in terms of a partial difference Riccati equation with boundary conditions. A predictor for such systems is also presented based on the proposed filter and smoother. The ob- tained estimators have the same dimension as the original state. Conditions for existence, uniqueness, and stability of the steady-state optimal estimators are studied for time-invariant cases. In this case, the obtained estimators are very easy to implement and all calculations can be performed off line, leading to a linear time-invariant estimator.
This paper investigates the problem of modeling and controlling pursuer convoy in three-dimensional space. The guidance laws applied for convoy, the velocity pursuit, the deviated pursuit and the proportional navigation, steer the pursuer using the rate of line-of-sight (LOS) between successive pursuers. On the basis of the differential equations for the range, the pitch angle of LOS and the yaw angle of LOS between successive pursuers, the guidance laws are proposed to derive decentralized control strategy for pursuer convoy. The results concerning the pursuer convoy are rigorously proven. Simulations are conducted to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.