针对页岩压裂过程中,压裂液返排效率普遍很低的现象,基于高分辨率页岩岩样SEM(scanning electron microscope)电子显微镜扫描图像,利用马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗(Markov Chain Monte Carlo)方法重构得到页岩的三维数字岩心,采用具有高密度比的格子Boltzmann模型,从孔隙尺度来模拟页岩中气水两相驱替过程.首先通过计算表面张力和相对渗透率来验证模型的准确性,然后模拟页岩数字岩心中的油水两相流动,页岩中首先饱和水(气)相,然后从一端注入气(水)相,模拟终止条件为驱替相在出口端发生突破,气水运动黏度比和密度比分别设置为10:1和1:1000.水驱气过程中发生突破时,水相的饱和度为70%,而气驱水过程中发生突破时,气相的饱和度只有4.5%,给出了三维数字岩心中驱替相分布,在气驱水的过程中发生突破时,大部分水被滞留在页岩孔隙中,从而解释了页岩水力压裂中,压裂液返排效率低于10%的现象.
Due to the nanometer scale pore size and extremely low permeability of a shale matrix,traditional Darcy's law can not exactly describe the combined gas transport mechanisms of viscous flow and Knudsen diffusion.Three transport models modified by the Darcy equation with apparent permeability are used to describe the combined gas transport mechanisms in ultra-tight porous media,the result shows that Knudsen diffusion has a great impact on the gas transport and Darcy's law cannot be used in a shale matrix with a pore diameter less than 1 μm.A single porosity model and a double porosity model with consideration of the combined gas transport mechanisms are developed to evaluate the influence of gas transport mechanisms and fracture parameters respectively on shale gas production.The numerical results show that the gas production predicted by Darcy's law is lower than that predicted with consideration of Knudsen diffusion and the tighter the shale matrix,the greater difference of the gas production estimates.In addition,the numerical simulation results indicate that shale fractures have a great impact on shale gas production.Shale gas cannot be produced economically without fractures.
Yao JunSun HaiFan Dong-yanWang Chen-chenSun Zhi-xue
Based on Huang's accurate tri-sectional nonlin- ear kinematic equation (1997), a dimensionless simplified mathematical model for nonlinear flow in one-dimensional semi-infinite long porous media with low permeability is presented for the case of a constant flow rate on the inner boundary. This model contains double moving boundaries, including an internal moving boundary and an external mov- ing boundary, which are different from the classical Stefan problem in heat conduction: The velocity of the external moving boundary is proportional to the second derivative of the unknown pressure function with respect to the distance parameter on this boundary. Through a similarity transfor- mation, the nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE) sys- tem is transformed into a linear PDE system. Then an ana- lytical solution is obtained for the dimensionless simplified mathematical model. This solution can be used for strictly checking the validity of numerical methods in solving such nonlinear mathematical models for flows in low-permeable porous media for petroleum engineering applications. Finally, through plotted comparison curves from the exact an- alytical solution, the sensitive effects of three characteristic parameters are discussed. It is concluded that with a decrease in the dimensionless critical pressure gradient, the sensi- tive effects of the dimensionless variable on the dimension- less pressure distribution and dimensionless pressure gradi- ent distribution become more serious; with an increase in the dimensionless pseudo threshold pressure gradient, the sensi- tive effects of the dimensionless variable become more serious; the dimensionless threshold pressure gradient (TPG) has a great effect on the external moving boundary but has little effect on the internal moving boundary.