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9 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
Suitable resolution of EOS tables for neutron star investigations
Inasmuch as the hydrostatic structure of the interior of neutron stars uniquely depends on the equation of state(EOS), the inverse constraints on EOS from astrophysical observations have been an important method for revealing the properties of high density matter. Currently, most EOS for neutron star matter are given in tabular form,but these numerical tables can have quite different resolution. To guarantee both the accuracy and efficiency in computing the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations, a concise standard for generating EOS tables with suitable resolution is investigated. It is shown that EOS tables with 50 points logarithmic-uniformly distributed in the supra-nuclear density segment [ρ_0, 10_(ρ0)], where ρ_0 is the nuclear saturation density, correspond to the interpolation induced errors of ~0.02% for the gravitational mass M and ~0.2% for the tidal deformability ∧.
Houyuan ChenDehua WenNa Zhang
The mass limit of white dwarfs with strong magnetic fields in general relativity
Recently, U. Das and B. Mukhopadhyay proposed that the Chandrasekhar limit of a white dwarf could reach a new high level (2.58M) if a superstrong magnetic field were considered (Das U and Mukhopadhyay B 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 071102), where the structure of the strongly magnetized white dwarf (SMWD) is calculated in the framework of Newtonian theory (NT). As the SMWD has a far smaller size, in contrast with the usual expectation, we found that there is an obvious general relativistic effect (GRE) in the SMWD. For example, for the SMWD with a one Landau level system, the super-Chandrasekhar mass limit in general relativity (GR) is approximately 16.5% lower than that in NT. More interestingly, the maximal mass of the white dwarf will be first increased when the magnetic field strength keeps on increasing and reaches the maximal value M = 2.48MQ with BD = 391.5. Then if we further increase the magnetic fields, surprisingly, the maximal mass of the white dwarf will decrease when one takes the GRE into account.
由于高密非对称核物质核核相互作用的复杂性,使得目前人们对高密非对称核物质的物态方程的认识还存在很大的不确定性。利用逐段修改物态方程的方法,探究了不同密度段物态方程对中子星整体性质的影响,尤其是对典型中子星(1.4 M_⊙)半径及最大质量的影响。研究进一步证实了在2倍饱和核密度附近的物态方程对典型质量中子星的半径有显著影响。还进一步分析了中子星的质量半径关系曲线特征及其斜率(dM/dR)对物态方程的依赖性,发现d M/d R主要由饱和核密度以上的中子星物质的物态方程决定。探索不同密度段物态方程对中子星整体性质的影响以及探索dM/dR对物态方程的依赖性,主要是为将来利用中子星的天文观测来反向约束致密物质的物态方程提供理论参考。
在过去的十余年中,对非对称核物质的对称能的研究无论从实验还是理论上都取得了较大的突破,这对中子结构及其物态方程的理解具有十分重要的意义。本研究将采用一个相对保守的对称能斜率范围(25 Me V1.5M⊙)。
Electrically charged: An effective mechanism for soft EOS supporting massive neutron star
The massive neutron star discoverer announced that strange particles, such as hyperons should be ruled out in the neutron star core as the soft Equation of State(EOS) can-not support a massive neutron star. However, many of the nuclear theories and laboratory experiments support that at high density the strange particles will appear and the corresponding EOS of super-dense matters will become soft. This situation promotes a challenge between the astro-observation and nuclear physics. In this work, we introduce an effective mechanism to answer this challenge, that is, if a neutron star is electrically charged, a soft EOS will be equivalently stiffened and thus can support a massive neutron star. By employing a representative soft EOS, it is found that in order to obtain an evident effect on the EOS and thus increasing the maximum stellar mass by the electrostatic field, the total net charge should be in an order of 1020 C. Moreover, by comparing the results of two kind of charge distributions, it is found that even for different distributions, a similar total charge:~2.3×1020C is needed to support a~2.0M⊙neutron star.
JING ZhenZhenWEN DeHuaZHANG XiangDong
Effects of the symmetry energy slope on the axial oscillations of neutron stars
The impact of symmetry energy slope L on the axial w-mode oscillations is explored, where the range of the con- strained slope L of symmetry energy at saturation density is adopted from 25 MeV to 115 MeV while keeping the equation of state (EOS) of symmetric nuclear matter fixed. Based on the range of the symmetry energy slope, a constraint on the frequency and damping time of the wi-mode of the neutron star is given. It is found that there is a perfect linear relation between the frequency and the stellar mass for a fixed slope L, and the softer symmetry energy corresponds to a higher frequency. Moreover, it is confirmed that both the frequencies and damping times have a perfect universal scaling behavior for the EOSs with different symmetry energy slopes at saturation density.
Loop quantum modified gravity and its cosmological application被引量:1
Xiang-Dong ZhangYong-Ge Ma
Gravitational waves from the axial oscillation of neutron star considering non-Newtonian gravity被引量:1
The eigen-frequencies of the axial w-modes of neutron star described by a super-soft equation of state(EOS) are investigated,by considering the non-Newtonian gravity.The results show that at the same stellar mass,the frequencies of wI and wI2 for our model are lower than that of the typical EOSs(such as APR); and the frequencies increase with the stellar masses,which is contrary to that of the typical EOSs.These characters may provide a probe to testify the super soft symmetry energy and the non-Newtonian gravity in the future.Moreover,our model also has the universal behavior of the mass-scaled eigen-frequencies as a function of the compactness.
WEN DehuaZHOU Ying
2019年春季(3-5月),全国平均气温为11.5℃,为1961年以来历史同期第四位;全国平均降水量为148.7 mm,接近常年同期,但旱涝分布差异显著。东北、西北地区东部和华南降水显著偏多,而黄淮、江淮及云南大部降水异常偏少,其中云南地区降水量为历史同期最少。气温偏高和降水空间分布不均导致旱涝灾害并存。季内气候变化显著,表现出东亚冬季风环流向夏季风环流转换期的特征。春季(尤其是3-4月)全国大部地区气温偏高受到中纬度环流型的明显影响,乌拉尔山及其以北地区为负高度距平中心,而乌拉尔山以东到贝加尔湖地区为大范围正高度距平,这种异常环流形势非常有利于我国气温整体偏高。另一方面,低伟度大气环流则表现出对热带海温异常的明显响应,西太平洋副热带高压(简称西太副高)异常偏强、偏西及偏南,这基本决定了我国春季降水异常的空间分布型,其强度和位置不仅能够直接影响南方降水分布,同时通过与中高纬异常环流的相互作用,共同影响我国北方降水异常格局。进一步分析热带海温外强迫的影响显示,在El Nino衰减年的春季,热带印度洋海温的增暖对西太副高持续偏强偏西起到更重要的作用;而El Nino事件本身对西太副高强度的影响在春季逐渐减弱,对西太副高南北位置的影响增强。