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8 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
Design of detector to monitor the Bragg peak location of carbon ions by means of prompt γ-ray measurements with Geant4
Real-time monitoring of the Bragg peak location of carbon ions is urgently required for the quality control of hadron therapy. In this study, we design an annular detector to monitor the Bragg peak location of carbon ions with Geant4 simulation. This 360° surrounding structure has a high detection efficiency for the small-dose situation. The detector consists of a multilayered collimator system and an Na I scintillator for prompt gamma counting. The multilayered collimator includes a lead layer to prevent unwanted gammas and the paraffin and boron carbide layers to moderate and capture fast neutrons. An inclination of the detector further diminishes the background signal caused by neutrons. The detector, with optimized parameters, is applicable to carbon ions of different energies. In addition, the scintillator is replaced by an improved EJ301 organic liquid scintillator to discriminate gammas and neutrons. Inserting thin Fe slices into the liquid scintillator improves the energy deposition efficiency. The Bragg peak location of 200 Me V/u carbon ions can be monitored by prompt gamma detection with the improved liquid scintillator.
Yan FanGuang-Ming HuangXiang-Ming SunZhen WangShu-Guang ZouJun LiuDong WangHui-Li KangPing YangHua PeiDa-Ming SunZi-Li Li
质心能量200 GeV d+Au碰撞粒子横动量谱的Tsallis统计分析
用基于非广延热力学Tsallis统计的爆炸波(Tsallis blast-wave,TBW)模型研究了RHIC能区200GeV质心能量氘核-金核(d+Au)碰撞系统中心快度区和前(后)向快度区轻强子和J/Ψ的横动量谱.在全动量区间,TBW模型可以很好地描述粒子谱.分析结果表明,200GeV d+Au中心碰撞中平均径向流不为零,其大小介于同能量的质子-质子(p+p)与金核-金核(Au+Au)碰撞系统之间,d+Au碰撞中存在显著的冷核物质(cold nuclear matter,CNM)效应.J/Ψ在中心快度区径向流为零,而在后向快度区具有非零的径向流,可能预示在d+Au碰撞系统中已探测到色玻璃凝聚(color glass condensate,CGC)效应.
A highly pixelated CdZnTe detector based on Topmetal-II^- sensor
Topmetal-Ⅱ^-is a low noise CMOS pixel direct charge sensor with a pitch of 83 μm.CdZnTe is an excellent semiconductor material for radiation detection.The combination of CdZnTe and the sensor makes it possible to build a detector with high spatial resolution.In our experiments,an epoxy adhesive is used as the conductive medium to connect the sensor and cadmium zinc telluride(CdZnTe).The diffusion coefficient and charge efficiency of electrons are measured at a low bias voltage of-2 V,and the image of a single alpha particle is clear with a reasonable spatial resolution.A detector with such a structure has the potential to be applied in X-ray imaging systems with further improvements of the sensor.
HIRFL CSR外靶实验T0探测器前端电子学模块测试
针对兰州重离子加速器(Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou, HIRFL)冷却储存环(Cooling Storage Ring, CSR)外靶实验中时间起点(T0)探测器的读出需求...
Simulation of energy scan of pion interferometry in central Au+Au collisions at relativistic energies
We present a systematic analysis of two-pion interferometry for the central Au+Au collisions at √SNN=3, 5, 7, 11, 17, 27, 39, 62, 130 and 200 GeV/c with the help of a multiphase transport (AMPT) model. Emission source-size radius parameters Rlong, Rout, Rside and the chaotic parameter A are extracted and compared with the experimental data. Transverse momentum and azimuthal angle dependencies of the HBT radii are also discussed for central Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV/c. The results show that the HBT radii in central collisions do not change much above 7 GeV/c. For central collisions at 200 GeV/c, the radii decrease with the increasing of transverse momentum PT but are not sensitive to the azimuthal angle. These results provide a theoretical reference for the energy scan program of the RHIC-STAR experiment.
Production of light nuclei and hypernuclei at High Intensity Accelerator Facility energy region被引量:3
Heavy-ion collisions are powerful tools for studying hypernuclear physics.We develop a dynamical coalescence model coupled with an ART model(version1.0) to study the production rates of light nuclear clusters and hypernuclei in heavy-ion reactions,for instance,the deuteron(d),triton(t),helium(~3He),and hypertriton(_A^3H)in minimum bias(0-80%centrality)~6Li+^(12)C reactions at beam energy of 3.5A GeV.The penalty factor for light clusters is extracted from the yields,and the distributions of 0 angle of particles,which provide direct suggesetions about the location of particle detectors in the near future facility-High Intensity heavy-ion Accelerator Facility(HIAF) are investigated.Our calculation demonstrates that HIAF is suitable for studying hypernuclear physics.
Peng LiuJin-Hui ChenYu-Gang MaSong Zhang
设计了一种基于网络读出的多通道时间测量控制系统。该系统基于FPGA实现1 Gigabit以太网TCP服务端关键协议的逻辑设计,用于系统时间测量数据的高速传输,对于当前TOF时间测量电子学系统读出具有借鉴意义。通过对本时间测量系统进行性能分析和网络传输测试,实验结果表明:系统单通道时间测量精度好于22 ps,该1 Gigabit以太网TCP逻辑设计传输性能可达600 Mbps。
Study of MRPC technology for BESIII endcap-TOF upgrade
Purpose In order to improve the charged particle identi-fication capability,end-cap time-of-flight(ETOF)detector of the Beijing Spectrometer(BESIII)has been upgraded with multi-gap resistive plate chamber(MRPC)technology,aiming at an overall time resolution of 80 ps for minimum-ionization particles to extend the K/πseparation(2σ)momentum range to 1.4 GeV/c.Methods The previous version of ETOF in BESIII consisted of plastic scintillators.The multi-hit events distort both shape and amplitude of the output signals.MRPC technique was chosen for the BESIII ETOF upgrade as it provides high time resolution and high detection efficiency,is of relatively low cost and is insensitive to neutral particles.Most importantly,the fine segmentation of the MRPC readout stripes can suppress multi-hit events effectively.Results The final design of MRPC module for ETOF is characterized by double-stack(2×6)structure,dual-end readout mode and precision electronics.To batch-produce and test these MRPC modules,a series of tools and production procedures as well as related performance simulation and test methods were developed.Results showed that each MRPC module’s intrinsic time resolution(including the electronics contribution)is around 50 ps and the efficiency is better than 97%.The overall performance of the upgraded ETOF is better than the designed index.The new ETOF has been successfully installed at BESIII and run in 2016.
Xin LiYongjie SunCheng LiZhen LiuYuekun HengMing ShaoXiaozhuang WangZhi WuPing CaoMingming ChenHongliang DaiShubing LiuXiaolan LuoXiaoshan JiangShengsen SunZebo TangWeijia SunSiyu WangMeihang XuRongxing YangKejun Zhu
Influence of α-clustering nuclear structure on the rotating collision system被引量:2
In recent years, the collective motion properties of global rotation of the symmetric colliding system in relativistic energies have been investigated. In addition, the initial geometrical shape effects on the collective flows have been explored using a hydrodynamical model, a transport model, etc. In this work, we study the asymmetric ^(12)C+^(197)Au collision at 200 GeV/c and the effect of the exotic nuclear structure on the global rotation using a multi-phase transport model. The global angular momentum and averaged angular speed were calculated and discussed for the collision system at different evolution stages.
Zhi-Wan XuSong ZhangYu-Gang MaJin-Hui ChenChen Zhong