筛选与小麦重要农艺性状相关联的SSR标记,对小麦分子标记辅助育种有重要的实践意义。本研究利用多态性较高的80个SSR标记,对南大2419及其71份衍生后代品种(系)进行基因型分析,采用TASSEL软件的MLM(Mixed linear model)方法对籽粒产量、千粒重、有效穗、穗粒数等8个主要农艺性状进行SSR标记与性状的关联分析。结果表明:(1)该群体由6个亚群组成;(2)群体SSR数据分析发现,无论是连锁还是非连锁SSR位点组合都存在不同程度的连锁不平衡(Linkage disequilibrium,LD);在各基因组选择标记数基本相同的情况下,D基因组中显著LD位点比例(8.9%)明显低于A基因组(15.3%)和B基因组(13.8%),但D基因组的LD水平较高;(3)群体中共20个SSR位点与8个农艺性状显著关联,4个位点2年被检测到与同一性状显著相关(p<0.01),10个位点位于家系连锁定位的QTL区间或附近,多数位点/性状关联结果与前人研究一致;13个标记位点同时与2个或多个性状关联。
Synthetic hexaploid wheat (SHW) represents a valuable source of new resistances to a range of biotic and abiotic stresses. A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population with 127 recombinant inbred lines derived from a SHW-derived variety Chuanmai 42 crossing with a Chinese spring wheat variety Chuannong 16 was used to map QTLs for agronomic traits including grain yield, grains per square meter, thousand-kernel weight, spikes per square meter, grain number per spike, grains weight per spike, and biomass yield. The population was genotyped using 184 simple-sequence repeat (SSR) markers and 34 sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers. Of 76 QTLs (LOD〉2.5) identified, 42 were found to have a positive effect from Chuanmai 42. The QTL QGy.saas-4D.2 associated with grain yield on chromosome 4D was detected in four of the six environments and the combined analysis, and the mean yield, across six environments, of individuals carrying the Chuanmai 42 allele at this locus was 8.9% higher than that of those lines carrying the Chuannong 16 allele. Seven clusters of the yield-coincident QTLs were detected on 1A, 4A, 3B, 5B, 4D, and 7D.