A high power semiconductor laser diode with a tapered and cascaded active multimode interferometer (MMI) cavity was designed and demonstrated. An output power as high as 32 mW was obtained for the novel laser diode with a tapered and cascaded active MMI cavity, being much higher than the 9.8 mW output power of the conventional single ridge F-P laser with the same material structure and the same device length due to the larger active area; and also being higher than the 21.2 mW output power of the rectangular and cascaded active MMI laser diode with nearly the same structure, except for the shape of the MMI area. In addition, the tapered and cascaded active multimode interferometer laser showed stable single mode outputs up to the maximum output power.
A novel Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) over fiber link and a wavelength assignment protocol are proposed to provide sufficient bandwidth and extensive coverage range for the various applications in the Internet of Things (IoT).The performance of the WiFi over fiber-based wireless IoT network is evaluated in terms of error vector magnitude (EVM) and data throughput for both the up and down links between the WiFi central control system and remote radio units (RRUs).The experimental results illustrate the reliability of the fiber transmission of 64 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (64QAM) WiFi signals by direct analog modulation.In order to efficiently utilize the wavelength resources,we also demonstrated the wavelength assignment protocol by employing optical switching configurations in Central Station (CS) to realize the wavelength switching,and the simulation results indicate the queuing size and the corresponding queue delay for different numbers of available wavelengths.
We present a novel coherent transceiver for optical differential phase-shift keying/differential quadrature phase-shift keying (DPSK/DQPSK) signals based on heterodyne detection and electrical delay interferometer. A simulation framework is provided to predict a theoretical sensitivity level for the reported scheme. High sensitivity of –45.18 dBm is achieved for 2.5-Gb/s return-to-zero (RZ)-DPSK signal, and high sensitivities of –36.83 dBm (I tributary) and –35.90 dBm (Q tributary) are observed for 2.5-GBaud/s RZ-DQPSK signal in back-to-back configuration. Transmission for both signals over 100 km is also investigated. Experimental results are discussed and analyzed.
A demultiplexing scheme based on semiconductor optical amplifier(SOA)and optical filter for optical time division multiplexing differential quadrature phase shift keying(OTDM-DQPSK)system is proposed and investigated experimentally.With only a common half baudrate electrical clock modulated 33%duty cycle return-to-zero(RZ-33)optical clock signal as pump,this scheme is cost-effective,energy-efficient,and integration-potential.A proof-of-concept experiment is carried out for the demultiplexing of a 2×40-GBd OTDM-DQPSK signal.Error-free performance is demonstrated,and the average power penalty for both channels is about 3 dB.
A scheme for the photonic generation of frequency-tunable millimeter wave and terahertz wave signals based on a highly flat optical frequency comb is proposed and demonstrated experimentally.The frequency comb is generated using two cascaded phase modulators(PMs)and an electro-absorption modulator(EAM).The frequency comb covers a 440-GHz frequency range,with 40-GHz comb spacing and less than 2-dB amplitude variation.By filtering out two of the comb lines with 50 dB out of the band suppression ratio,high frequency-purity and low phase noise millimeter wave or terahertz wave signals are successfully generated,with frequencies ranging from 40 to 440 GHz.