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作品数:8 被引量:7H指数:2


  • 8篇中文期刊文章


  • 3篇生物学
  • 2篇化学工程
  • 2篇理学
  • 1篇自动化与计算...
  • 1篇环境科学与工...
  • 1篇一般工业技术


  • 1篇性能研究
  • 1篇制备及性能
  • 1篇溶解氧
  • 1篇水解
  • 1篇水解法
  • 1篇水凝胶
  • 1篇葡萄糖氧化酶
  • 1篇稳定性
  • 1篇敏感特性
  • 1篇固定化
  • 1篇固定化酶
  • 1篇光学
  • 1篇复合物
  • 1篇OPTICA...
  • 1篇OPTICA...
  • 1篇OXYGEN
  • 1篇PLANT_...
  • 1篇PROPER...
  • 1篇SENSIT...
  • 1篇SIO


  • 3篇武汉理工大学


  • 3篇黄俊
  • 2篇李坤
  • 2篇丁莉芸
  • 2篇刘慧超
  • 1篇刘忠勋
  • 1篇张鹏飞
  • 1篇张培培
  • 1篇李梦诗


  • 5篇Journa...
  • 3篇武汉理工大学...


  • 1篇2018
  • 1篇2017
  • 2篇2016
  • 4篇2014
8 条 记 录,以下是 1-8
A Fiber Optic Sensor for 2-cholrophenol Analysis based on Oxygen Sensing System
A fiber optic 2-cholrophenol(2-CP) sensor was developed based on the fluorescence quenching of molecular oxygen on the oxygen-sensitive membrane and O2 consumption during catalytic oxidation reaction of 2-CP. The 2-CP concentration can be determined by utilizing a lock-in amplifier to measure the change in the fluorescence lifetime of an oxygen-sensitive membrane, in which the tris(2,2′-bipyridyl) ruthenium(II) chloride complexes(Ru(II)(byp)3Cl2) were immobilized in cellulose acetate(CA) via simple hybridized approach. The experimental results show the good linear relationship between the phase delay of sensitive membrane and 2-CP concentration in its detection range of 1×10-7 to 1×10-5 mol/L and 1×10-5 to 1×10-4 mol/L. The detection limit of the sensor is 7×10-8 mol/L(S/N=3) and the response time is 5 min. Our experimental measurements confirmed good response characteristics of the as-prepared fiber optic 2-CP sensor, as well as its capability to detect the 2-CP concentration in practical water samples.
贡晶晶HUANG XintingHUANG JunDING LiyunLI KunYUAN Yinquan
Characterization and Saturable Absorption Property of Graphene Oxide on Optical Fiber by Optical Deposition被引量:1
We prepared graphene oxide(GO) saturable absorber(SA) successfully through optical deposition method, which is a simple but effective approach to deposit various materials onto substrate under the effects of light, and investigated several factors that influence the optical deposition result of GO onto optical fiber end, including poly(methyl methacrylate)(PMMA) concentration, light intensity, light mode, and deposition time. The efficient optically deposited GO preserving its nonlinearity guaranteed by GO/PMMA composite formation was also demonstrated. The GO SA prepared by optical deposition shows superior saturable absorption property with modulation depth and nonsaturable loss of 6% and 40%, respectively.
丁莉芸XU ChuangXU BingHUANG Jun
采用改进的Stber水解法制备了3种复合有荧光指示剂Ru(bpy)3Cl2的SiO2荧光纳米复合粒子,利用场发射扫描电镜、X射线衍射分析和红外光谱等对其进行了表征,并研究了SiO2荧光纳米复合粒子的荧光光谱。确定了最优制备条件:T=25℃,7.0mL氨水,1.3mL正硅酸乙酯(TEOS),1.5mg Ru(bpy)3Cl2,溶剂为乙醇。在此条件下制备的SiO2荧光纳米复合粒子形貌为规则的球形,平均粒径为400-450nm,并且在水溶液中具有很好的长期稳定性。利用其固定的葡萄糖氧化酶在高温下具有良好的稳定性。这是一种SiO2荧光纳米复合粒子绿色环保的制备方法,后处理过程简单,产物有利于在生物医学领域的应用。
Enhancing Heterogeneous Catalytic Activity of Iron(II) Phthalocyanine by Ethanol and Its Application in 2,4-dichlorophenol Detection被引量:1
A chemical system for facile and accurate detection of 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP) via iron (Ⅱ) phthalocyanine (Fe(Ⅱ)Pc) catalyzed chromogenic reaction is reported for the first time. In this system, DCP could be oxidized by dioxygen with the catalysis of Fe(Ⅱ)Pc and then coupled with 4-aminoantipyrine (4-AAP) to generate pink antipyrilquinoneimine dye. Control experiments showed that the addition of ethanol could obviously enhance the catalytic activity of heterogeneous Fe(Ⅱ)Pc catalysts because of the partial dissolution of Fe(II)Pc nanocubes, which was confirmed by the SEM analysis. On the basis of the detection results of DCP in the range from 2×10^-5 to 9×10^-4 mol/L, we obtained a regression equation (A = 0.187 5 + 0.01 209C (R2=-0.995 6)) with the detection limit (3σ) of 3.26×10^-6 mol/L, which could be successfully used in detecting the real samples.
童伊琳LI DapengHUANG JunLI KunDING LiyunWANG TianxiaGONG Jingjing
Fluorescence Detection for H_2PO_4^- based on Carbon Dots/Fe^(3+) Composite
A novel fluorescent probe for H_2PO_4^- was designed and fabricated based on the carbon dots/Fe^(3+) composite. The carbon dots were synthesized by an established one-pot hydrothermal method and characterized by transmission electron microscope, X-ray diffractometer, UV-Vis absorption spectrometer and fluorescence spectrophotometer. The carbon dots/Fe^(3+) composite was obtained by aqueous mixing of carbon dots and FeCl_3, and its fluorescence property was characterized by fluorescence spectrophotometer. The fluorescence of carbon dots was quenched by aqueous Fe^(3+) cations, resulting in the low fluorescence intensity of the carbon dots/Fe^(3+) composite. On the other hand, H_2PO_4^- reduced the concentration of Fe^(3+) by chemical reaction and enhanced the fluorescence of the carbon dots/Fe^(3+) composite. The Stern-Volmer equation was introduced to describe the relation between the relative fluorescence intensity of the carbon dots/Fe^(3+) composite and the concentration of H_2PO_4^-, and a fine linearity(R2=0.997) was found in the range of H_2PO_4^- concentration of 0.4-12 m M.
范小春ZHANG Bingyu丁莉芸XU ChuangHUANG Jun
Synthesis of Fluorescent Carbon Quantum Dots and Their Application in the Plant Cell Imaging被引量:2
Carbon quantum dots(CQDs) exhibit tremendous advantages for plant growth study due to its strong fluorescence and good biocompatibility. The fluorescent CQDs were synthesized by the onestep microwave method with the raw materials of citric acid(CA) and urea(UR), and expressed a unique green fluorescence with the optimal excitation wavelength of over 400 nm through adjusting the doping of N elements. It is demonstrated that CQDs can act as deliver media in plant and fluorescent probes for plant cell imaging through directly cultivated in the seedlings of melon and wheat, respectively. Based on the effects of the fluorescent CQDs on plants growth, we can further study the mechanisms of the ions transport in plants.
DING LiyunLI Junli