Using the idea of Sinnott,Gillard and Schneps,we prove theμ-invariant is zero for the two-variable primitive p-adic L-function constructed by Kang(2012),which arises naturally in the study of Iwasawa theory for an elliptic curve with complex multiplication(CM).
We compute the density of primes represented by a special quadratic form in a fixed square residue class. Using this result and a new method introduced by Thaine we prove the fact that for a prime p > 3congruent to 3 modulo 4, the component e(p+1)/2of the p-Sylow subgroup of the ideal class group of Q(ζp) is trivial.
Let F be a cubic cyclic field with t(2)ramified primes.For a finite abelian group G,let r3(G)be the 3-rank of G.If 3 does not ramify in F,then it is proved that t-1 r3(K2O F)2t.Furthermore,if t is fixed,for any s satisfying t-1 s 2t-1,there is always a cubic cyclic field F with exactly t ramified primes such that r3(K2O F)=s.It is also proved that the densities for 3-ranks of tame kernels of cyclic cubic number fields satisfy a Cohen-Lenstra type formula d∞,r=3-r2∞k=1(1-3-k)r k=1(1-3-k)2.This suggests that the Cohen-Lenstra conjecture for ideal class groups can be extended to the tame kernels of cyclic cubic number fields.
Let F = Q(x/P), where p = 8t + 1 is a prime. In this paper, we prove that a speclm case of Qin's conjecture on the possible structure of the 2-primary part of K2OF up to 8-rank is a consequence of a conjecture of Cohen and Lagarias on the existence of governing fields. We also characterize the 16-rank of K2OF, which is either 0 or 1, in terms of a certain equation between 2-adic Hilbert symbols being satisfied or not.