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9 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
Crystal Growth of Nitrogenase CrFe Protein and MnFe Protein in Space被引量:2
Nitrogenase CrFe protein and MnFe protein were purified from a mutant strain UW3 of Azotobacter vinelandii Lipmann grown on a medium containing Cr and Mn, respectively. In order to meet the requirement for crystal growth Of O-2-susceptible proteins including nitrogenase in space, crystallization conditions were optimized for the proteins using a simple and suitable device, as a replacement for the cumbersome anaerobic box (dry box), for anaerobic addition of the protein samples. In all used precipitant and protein solutions added in the simplified plexi glass box, CrFe protein and MnFe protein could be crystallized on the spacecraft in one week by the liquid/liquid diffusion method and vapor diffusion by the sitting drop method, respectively. All formed crystals were single on the spacecraft, but under the same condition twin crystals appeared on the ground. The size of the largest crystal grown in space from CrFe protein was 2-fold larger than that on the ground. But the size of the largest crystal grown in space from MnFe protein was not larger than that on the ground. The difference in crystal growth in space between CrFe protein and MnFe protein could be resulted from the crystallization method, rather than the kind of protein.
The composition and distribution of metal clusters in the MoFe protein from a nifZ deletion strain(DJ 194)of Azotobacter vinelandii被引量:3
Through the anaerobic chromatography on the columns of DEAE 52, Q-Sepharose and Sephacryl S-200, a nitrogenase MoFe protein (?nifZ Av1) was obtained from a nifZ deleted mutant of Azotobacter vinelandii (stain DJ194). The results of Western blotting after anoxic native electro-phoresis and SDS-PAGE showed that ?nifZ Av1 was similar to wild type MoFe protein (OP Av1) at the electrophoretic mobility, molecular weight and subunit composition. Fur-thermore, ?nifZ Av1 was also similar to OP Av1 at the mo-lybdenum content, EPR signal (g≈4.3, 3.65 and 2.01), and the molar extinction coefficient (?ε) of circular dichroism (CD) at 660 nm region. All of these indicated that, besides having the same α2β2 composition as OP Av1, the ?nifZ Av1 also contained equal amount of reductive FeMoco in the spin state of S=3/2 to OP Av1. However, the iron content and sub-strate (C2H2, H+ and N2)-reduction activity of ?nifZ Av1 were 74% and 46%―50% of those of OP Av1, respectively. Fur-thermore, the ?ε at around 450 nm, which reflects P-cluster in Av1, was obviously lower than that of OP Av1. It suggested that the difference between ?nifZ Av1 and OP Av1 resulted from P-cluster rather than FeMoco, and from the half num-ber of P-cluster in ?nifZ Av1, but the composition or redox state of P-cluster in ?nifZ Av1 were not changed. Thus it could propose that ?nifZ Av1 is composed of two different αβ subunit pairs. One is a FeMoco- and P-cluster-containing pair, and the other is a P-cluster-deficient but FeMoco-con- taining pair. Since the deletion of nifZ gene leads to the defi-ciency of only one of two P-clusters in a α2β2 tetramer, the assembly of P-cluster may not simply depend on one gene product, and so a possible mechanism of NifZ is supposed here.
Growth of Large Single Crystals of Nitrogenase CrFe Protein and MnFe Protein被引量:2
By using the liquid/liquid diffusion method at a suitable crystallization conditions, large single and dark brown crystals (the sides of the largest crystals were 0.20 mm x 0.20 mm x 0.07 min and 0.18 mm x 0.18 mm x 0.05 mm, respectively) could be obtained from the solutions of nitrogenase CrFe protein and MnFe protein purified from a mutant UW3 of Azotobacter vinelandii Lipmarm grown in Cr- or Mn-containing but NH3-free medium. The time of crystal formation, as well as the number, size, shape and quality of crystals obviously depended on the concentrations of PEG, MgCl2 and NaCl. The liquid/liquid diffusion method seems to benefit CrFe protein and MnFe protein for the growth of large single crystals for X-ray diffraction analysis.
从棕色固氮菌缺失nifE的突变株DJ35中纯化得到纯度约为80%的MoFe蛋白(△nifE Av1).与野生种OP中纯化出的MoFe蛋白(OP Av1)相比,△nifE Av1具有与之相同的亚基组成,并可与OP Av1的抗体发生免疫交叉反应,但在厌氧天然电泳中的迁移率略大于OP Av1.金属含量测定表明,△nifE Av1的Mo和Fe含量均显著下降.△nifE Av1单独与OP Fe蛋白互补时不具乙炔还原活性,但可被从OP Av1中抽提出的FeMo-co体外激活.△nifE Av1的圆二色谱450nm附近区域与OP Av1的相似,而电子顺磁共振谱中g≈3.7的信号则完全消失,g≈4.3和2.0处的信号也分别下降75%和50%左右.上述结果表明,从DJ35中纯化出的△nifE Av1是一种FeMo-co缺失而P-cluster正常的MoFe蛋白.
经DEAE 52, Q-Sepharose和Sephacryl S-200柱的厌氧层析, 从缺失nifZ基因的棕色固氮菌突变株(DJ194)中纯化得到固氮酶钼铁蛋白(ΔnifZ Av1). 厌氧天然电泳后的Western blotting和SDS-变性凝胶电泳显示, ΔnifZ Av1的电泳迁移率、分子量和亚基组成等与野生种钼铁蛋白(OP Av1)相似; 而且ΔnifZ Av1的Mo含量、EPR信号(g ≈ 4.3, 3.65和2.01)及660 nm附近的圆二色摩尔消光系数(Δε)也都与OP Av1较相似, 表明ΔnifZ Av1除具有α2β2四聚体结构组成外, 还含有与OP Av1数量相当的、具有3/2自旋态的还原FeMoco. 然而, ΔnifZ Av1的Fe含量和对底物 (C2H2, H+和N2)的还原活性都较低, 分别约为OP Av1的74%和46%~50%, 而反映P-cluster状况的450 nm附近的Δε也明显低于OP Av1, 说明ΔnifZ Av1与OP Av1的差别在于P-cluster, 而不在于FeMoco, 而且是在于ΔnifZ Av1中P-cluster数目的减少(约50%), 而其组成或氧还状态并未改变. 据此推测ΔnifZ Av1(DJ194)的结构为: 一个αβ亚基对含有一个FeMoco和一个P-cluster, 而另一个αβ亚基对只含FeMoco, 无P-cluster. 由于nifZ基因的缺失只造成了钼铁蛋白中2个P-cluster中的一个不能组装, 因此推测P-cluster的组装可能不是受单一基因产物的影响并由此提出了NifZ的可能作用机理.
Characterization of a FeMo cofactor-deficient MoFe protein from a nifE-deleted strain(DJ35)of Azotobacter vinelandii被引量:1
A MoFe protein (ΔnifE Av1) with a purity of ~80% was purified from a nifE-deleted mutant of Azotobacter vinelandii DJ35. Compared with MoFe protein purified from wild-type strain OP (OP Av1), ΔnifE Av1 had the same subunits composition, and had immune reaction with antibody to OP Av1, but its relative mobility in anaerobic native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) was a little larger than that of OP Av1. Metal analysis showed that Mo and Fe contents of ΔnifE Av1 both apparently decreased. When complemented with OP Fe protein, ΔnifE Av1 had no C2H2-reduction activity, but it could be in vitro activated by FeMoco extracted from OP Av1. The circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of ΔnifE Av1 at ~450 nm was similar to that of OP Av1, while the EPR signal at g≈3.7 was absolutely silent, and the signal intensities at g≈4.3 and 2.0 decreased by 75% and 50%, respectively. The results indicated that ΔnifE Av1 purified from DJ35 was a FeMoco-deficient but P-cluster-con- taining MoFe protein.
ZHAO YingBIAN ShaominZHANG ChunxiZHOU HuinaWANG HuangpingZHAO JianfengHUANG Jufu
Crystallization of Nitrogenase MoFe Protein from a Mutant nifE Deleted Strain of Azotobacter vinelandii被引量:2
Under a suitable condition of crystallization, dark brown short rhombohedron crystals could be obtained from FeMoco-deficient MoFe protein (DeltanifE Avl) purified from a nifE deleted mutant DJ35 of Azotobacter vinelandii Lipmann grown in NH3-limited medium. The number, size and quality of crystals were significantly affected by either the concentration of precipitants and buffer or diffusion method. The longest sides of the largest crystal of DeltanifE Avl protein, which was obtained by vapor diffusion in the hanging drop method, were 0.12 and 0.13 mm, respectively.
经DEAE-52,Q-Sepharose和Sephacry S-200柱厌氧层析,从在含Cr的培养基中生长良好的棕色固氮菌突变株UW3纯化得到CrFe蛋白制备物.与从野生型固氮菌OP的MoFe蛋白(OP Av1)相比,该制备物中-50%的蛋白具有与之相似的亚基组成,并可与OP Av1的抗体发生免疫交叉反应.该制备物还具有-40%的OP Av1 C2H2,H+和N2(以在氩气和氮气下放氢的差值表示)还原活性,并具与OP Av1相似的电子对比率.金属分析表明,此蛋白制备物含有Fe,Cr和Mo.与OP Av1相比,该制备物在450 nm的圆二色谱(CD)与之相似,但在3个相同g值处(g≈4.3,3.7和2.0)出现的EPR信号相对强度则不相同.根据EPR计算的结果表明,(i)CrFe蛋白制备物的Mo/Cr和Fe/(Cr+Mo)的比率分别为0.4和15.0,暗示在该制备物中的含Cr蛋白与MoFe蛋白之比约为2.5;(ii)该制备物活性与Fe及Cr的比率都分别接近于OP Av1活性与Fe和与Mo的比率;(iii)该制备物的上述3个g处的EPR信号强度与Cr含量的比率分别为Op Av1信号强度与Mo含量之比的-83%,0%和-40%.以上结果表明,CrFe蛋白也许是一种新的固氮酶组分Ⅰ蛋白,除以Cr代替Mo外,它的功能和包括金属原子簇在内的结构都可能与MoFe相似。
Characterization of a nitro-genase CrFe protein from a mutant UW3 of Azotobacter vinelandii grown on a Cr-containing medium被引量:1
通过 DEAE-52 的列上的缺氧的层析, Q-Sepharose andSeph 压克力 S-200, CrFe 蛋白质准备从 UW3 被获得, Azotobactervinelandii 的异种,它在包含 Cr 媒介上成长了很好。与 MoFe 蛋白质(OP Av1 ) 相比 fromwild 类型紧张 OP,在准备的约 50% 蛋白质有类似的子单元作文并且与 OP Av1 的抗体有有免疫力的反应。准备有 C_2H_2- H~+-andN_2 的 -40 百分比(在 H~+ 减小活动在之间由差别表示了在 Ar 下面并且在 N_2 下面) 到那些的 OP Av1 和 OP Av1 的类似的电子对的减小活动。并且金属分析证明准备包含了 Fe, Cr 和瞬间。,在在约 450 nm 的准备的圆形的二色性(CD ) 光谱类似于 OP Av1 的出现在一样的 g 价值的 threeEPR 信号的相对紧张(g 约 4.3, 3.7 和 2.0 ) 是不同的。EPR-basedcalculated 结果显示出那(1 ) 到 Cr 的瞬间并且 Fe 到的比率(Cr+Mo ) 分别地, CrFe 蛋白质准备, 0.41 和 15 正在显示在准备,到 MoFe 蛋白质的比率包含 ofCr 蛋白质是大约 2.5;(2 ) 到 Fe 并且到准备的 Cr 的活动的比率分别地接近了活动的比率到 Fe 并且到 OP Av1 的瞬间;(3 ) EPR 的比率在到 CrFe 蛋白质的 Cr 的值大约到瞬间的约 83% 那些, 0% 和约 40% 的上述三 g 表明紧张。OP Av1,分别地。结果进一步显示 CrFe 蛋白质力量是一个新 ni-trogenase 部件我有在余因子由 Mn MoFe 蛋白质包括 metallocluster 到那些而不是瞬间的简单代替的类似的功能和结构的蛋白质。
ZHANG ZhigangZHAO YingZHANG ChunxiBIAN ShaominZHOU HuinaWANG HuangpingYIN HongHUANG Jufu