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31 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Morphology development of elongated α phases in hot working of large-scale titanium alloy plate被引量:3
The role of subtransus hot working on microstructure morphology of TA15 titanium alloy plate with elongatedαphases was studied by quantitative metallography on different sections. The results show that the microstructure morphology is mainly affected by loading direction. When the sample is compressed along normal direction, microstructure on the section vertical to normal direction has equiaxed primaryαphase but microstructure on the section vertical to rolling direction has strip primaryαphase with long axis along tangential direction. When the sample is compressed along rolling direction, microstructure on the section vertical to normal direction has strip primaryαphase elongated along tangential direction but microstructure on the section vertical to rolling direction consists of strip and irregular broad-band primaryαphase. The strip primaryαphase aspect ratio is smaller at lower temperature due to the dynamic break-down ofαphase. The difference on primaryαphase aspect ratio between different sections decreases after compression along distinct directions in two loading passes, suggesting the improvement of equiaxity of primaryαphase.
Development of transition condition for region with variable-thickness in isothermal local loading process被引量:3
Using simple unequal-thickness billet combining isothermal local loading can control the metal flow and improve the cavity fill in manufacturing process of large-scale rib-web titanium alloy component with low cost and short cycle. The beveling transition pattern is well used for variable-thickness region of billet (VTRB) due to its simple and ample range of transition condition. The transition condition development in the local loading process has a significant influence on dynamic boundary of unrestricted portion of VTRB. With the help of reasonable assumptions, a mathematical model of transition condition development was established by theoretical analysis. The predicted results for local loading process of rib-web component using the established model were compared with the numerical and experimental ones, and the results indicated that the model of transition condition development is reasonable. Using the established model could deal with the dynamic boundary of unrestricted portion of VTRB well, and the model is suitable for the analysis of metal flow and cavity fill in local loading process of multi-ribs component.
Effects of stress state on texture and microstructure in cold drawing-bulging of CP-Ti sheet被引量:3
Three different stress states of the combination of tensile(t) stress and compressive(c) stress,t t,t c and t c c,exist in the deformed commercially pure titanium(CP-Ti) sheet during cold drawing-bulging.The textures and microstructures in the different stress state regions were investigated by means of XRD and TEM analysis.Similar development of texture and microstructure is achieved with less thickness strain under multiaxial stresses in drawing-bulging than in cold rolling.The results show that texture and microstructure are much sensitive to multiaxial stresses.Twinning is more easily activated under compressive stress than tensile stress.Prism a slip is heavily affected by tensile stress,resulting in a remarkable change of the intensity of(0°,35°,0°) texture,while pyramidal c+a slip,forming(20°,35°,30°) texture,weakens with the increase of thickness strain in spite of stress state.
Simulated and experimental investigation on discontinuous dynamic recrystallization of a near-α TA15 titanium alloy during isothermal hot compression in βsingle-phase field被引量:5
A cellular automaton(CA) modeling of discontinuous dynamic recrystallization(DDRX) of a near-α Ti-6Al-2Zr-1Mo-1V(TA15) isothermally compressed in the β single phase field was presented.In the CA model,nucleation of the β-DDRX and the growth of recrystallized grains(re-grains) were considered and visibly simulated by the CA model.The driving force of re-grain growth was provided by dislocation density accumulating around the grain boundaries.To verify the CA model,the predicted flow stress by the CA model was compared with the experimental data.The comparison showed that the average relative errors were10.2%,10.1%and 6%,respectively,at 1.0,0.1 and 0.01 s^-1 of 1020 ℃,and were 10.2%,11.35%and 7.5%,respectively,at 1.0,0.1and 0.01 s^-1 of 1050 ℃.The CA model was further applied to predicting the average growth rate,average re-grain size and recrystallization kinetics.The simulated results showed that the average growth rate increases with the increasing strain rate or temperature,while the re-grain size increases with the decreasing strain rate;the volume fraction of recrystallization decreases with the increasing strain rate or decreasing temperature.
Deformation banding in β working of two-phase TA15 titanium alloy被引量:3
To study deformation banding inβworking of TA15titanium alloy,hot simulation compression experiments were carried out on a Gleeble3500thermal simulator,and the microstructure was investigated by optical microscopy(OM)and electron backscattered diffraction(EBSD).It is found that inβworking of TA15titanium alloy,deformation banding is still an important grain refinement mechanism up to temperature as high as0.7Tm(Tm is the melting temperature).Boundaries of deformation bands(DBBs)may be sharp or diffusive.Sharp DBBs retard discontinuous dynamic recrystallization(DDRX)by prohibiting nucleation,while the diffusive ones are sources of continuous dynamic recrystallization(CDRX).Deformation banding is more significant at high strain rate and large initial grain size.The average width of grain subdivisions is sensitive to strain rate but less affected by temperature and initial grain size.Multi-directional forging which produces crossing DDBs is potential to refine microstructure of small-size forgings.
Xiao-guang FANXiang ZENGHe YANGPeng-fei GAOMiao MENGRui ZUOPeng-hui LEI
The mechanism of flow softening in subtransus hot working of two-phase titanium alloy with equiaxed structure被引量:3
Understanding the mechanism of high temperature deformation is important for controlling the forming quality of the titanium alloy forgings.In the present work,the flow softening mechanism in subtransus deformation of titanium alloys with equiaxed structure was investigated by interrupted isothermal compression tests.The results show that limited strain hardening followed by continuous flow softening occurs in high temperature deformation of a twophase TA15 titanium alloy.The flow softening can not be rationalized by dynamic recrystallization.Instead,the increase of mobile dislocations during deformation is an important reason for flow softening.The grain boundaries(including the a-b interfaces)act as an important source for the generation of mobile dislocations.The continuous flow softening results from the significant deformation heterogeneity in subtransus working.
Xiaoguang FanHe YangPengfei Gao
Dynamic globularization kinetics during hot working of TA15 titanium alloy with colony microstructure被引量:20
The dynamic globularization kinetics of TA15(Ti-6Al-2Zr-1Mo-1V) titanium alloy with a colony α microstructure during deformation at temperature range of 860-940 ℃ and strain rate range of 0.01-10 s-1 was quantitatively studied through isothermal compression tests.It is found that the dynamic globularization kinetics and the kinetics rate of TA15 are sensitive to deformation parameters.The dynamic globularized fraction increases with increasing strain,temperature but decreasing strain rate.The variation of globularized fraction with strain approximately follows an Avrami type equation.Using the Avrami type equation,the initiation and completion strains for dynamic globularization of TA15 were predicted to be 0.34-0.59 and 3.40-6.80.The kinetics rate of dynamic globularization increases with strain at first,then decreases.The peak value of kinetics rate,which corresponds to 20%-33% globularization fraction,increases with increasing temperature and decreasing strain rate.