A novel method,bath smelting process,was developed to treat molybdenite concentrate aiming at the existing problems of traditional process.To understand the dissolving behavior of MoS2 in white matte,the binary phase diagram of Cu2S-Mo2S was measured by the cooling curve method.The result shows that this system is a simple binary eutectic with a eutectic temperature of(1117.0±3.0)℃ and a eutectic composition of(1.70±0.20)% MoS2 in mass fraction.When the MoS2 addition exceeds 4.48%,MoS2 and Cu2S can form the ternary compound containing CuMo2S3 or Cu2Mo6S8.In the temperature range of copper smelting,1200-1300℃,molybdenite can dissolve in the cuprous sulfide.At 1200℃,the solubility of molybdenite can reach 14.8%.
研究辉钼矿硝-硫酸浸出过程的浸出动力学,考察反应温度、硝酸浓度、硫酸浓度对辉钼矿浸出速率的影响。结果表明:采用等浸出率法求得反应表观活化能为61.3 k J/mol,辉钼矿硝-硫酸浸出过程受表面化学反应控制,浸出速率常数对温度的依赖程度高;硝酸和硫酸浓度的反应级数分别为1.4和0.54,硝酸浓度的变化严重影响浸出反应速度,提高硝酸浓度可加速矿物氧化并提高钼浸出率,而硫酸浓度的影响相对较小。