To enhance the adhesion of seeding-cells to the biomaterial scaffolds, the PEG-hydrogels were modified. Porcine aortic valves were decellularized with Triton X-100 and trypsin. The cells were encapsulated into the PEG-hydrogels to complete the process of the cells attaching to the acellular porcine aortic valves. Herein, the autologous mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) of goats were selected as the seeding-cells and the tendency of MSCs toward differentiation was observed when the single semilunar TEHV had been implanted into their abdominal aortas. Furthermore, VEGF, TGF-β1, and the cell adhesive peptide motif RGD were incorporated. Light and electron microscopy observations were performed. Analysis of modified PEG-hydrogels TEHV's (PEG-TEHV) tensile strength, and the ratio of reendothelial and mural thrombosis revealed much better improvement than the naked acellular porcine aortic valve (NAPAV). The data illustrated the critical importance of MSC differentiation into endothelial and myofibroblast for remodeling into native tissue. Our results indicate that it is feasible to reconstruct TEHV efficiently by combining modified PEG-hydrogels with acellular biomaterial scaffold andautologous MSCs cells.