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  • 4篇中文期刊文章


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  • 1篇生物学


  • 2篇CCR4
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4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
Screening of chemokine receptor CCR4 antagonists by capillary zone electrophoresis被引量:1
Abstract CC chemokine receptor 4 (CCR4) is a kind of G-protein-coupled receptor, which plays a pivotal role in allergic inflammation. The interaction between 2-(2-(4-chloro-phenyl)-5-{[(naphthalen-1- ylmethyl)-carbamlyl]-methyl-4-oxo-thiazolidin-3-yl)-N-(3-morpholin-4-yl-propyi)-acetamide (S009) and the N-terminal extracellular tail (ML40) of CCR4 has been validated to be high affinity by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE).The S009 is a known CCR4 antagonist. Now, a series of new thiourea derivatives have been synthesized. Compared with positive control S009, they were screened using ML40 as target by CZE to find some new drugs for allergic inflammation diseases. The synthesized compounds XJH-5, XJH-4, XJH-17 and XJH-1 displayed the interaction with ML40, but XJH-9, XJH-10, XJH-I 1, XJH-12, XJH-13, XJH-14, XJH-3, XJH-8, XJH-6, XJH-7, XJH-15, XJH-16 and XJH-2 did not bind to ML40. Both qualification and quantification characterizations of the binding were determined. The affinity of the four compounds was valued by the binding constant, which was similar with the results of chemotactic experiments. The established CEZ method is capable of sensitive and fast screening for a series of lactam analogs in the drug discovery for allergic inflammation diseases.
Zhe SunLin-Jie TianQian LinXiao-Mei LingJun-Hai XiaoYing Wang
Quantitative determination of cyclophosphamide in rat plasma using an on-line SPE HPLC-DAD被引量:2
A rapid and simple liquid chromatography method with on-line solid phase extraction was developed and validated for the quantitative determination of cyclophosphamide in rat plasma.The plasma sample was first extracted on an Acclaim? Polar Advantage II C18 guard column(PA II C18,10 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm),which was also the on-line Extraction Cartridge SPE column,by washing with 100% H2O for 1 min.The extracted sample was then eluted onto a PA II C18 column(150 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm) and separated by isocratic elution with acetonitrile-water(40:60,v/v).The mobile phase was run at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min,and the UV detector was set at 195 nm.Retention time of cyclophosphamide was 4.3 min and the total run-time was 6 min.The linear range of the standard curve was from 1.0 to 200 μg/mL(r2 = 0.9999),and the limits of quantification and detection were 1.0 μg/mL(RSD10%,n = 5) and 0.3 μg/mL(RSD13%,n = 5),respectively.Both intra-and inter-day variations were less than 5.6%.The developed method can be used for the therapeutic drug monitoring of cyclophosphamide in the clinic.
目的:建立TM208含量及有关物质的RP-HPLC方法。方法:采用Phenomenex Luna C18(2)(150 mm×4.6 mm,5μm)色谱柱,流动相为水-甲醇(25∶75),流速1.0 mL.min-1,检测波长254 nm,柱温25℃,进样量20μL。结果:TM208与其他物质分离良好,线性范围为1.0~200μg.mL-1(r=0.9997),日内、日间精密度RSD均在5%以下,平均回收率为100.2%,检测限为50 ng.mL-1。结论:该方法快速、准确、灵敏。
Study of the interactions between compound S009 and the extracellular loops of CC chemokine receptor 4 by capillary zone electrophoresis
CC chemokine receptor 4(CCR4) is a G-protein-coupled receptor which plays a pivotal role in allergic inflammation. In the present study, three extracellular loops(EL1-3) of CCR4 were synthesized, and the interactions between the extracellular loops and compound S009 were investigated using capillary zone electrophoresis(CZE). Both qualitative and quantitative characterizations of the compound-peptide binding were carried out. The experimental data indicated that compound S009 exhibited interactions with EL3, and a binding constant of(12.5±0.19)×10^4 M^-1 was determined using the Scatchard plot. Our study identified the specific domains of CCR4 that could be targeted by small molecules and provided insights for the discovery of novel CCR4 antagonists.