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9 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
Thermodynamic Calculation on Calcium Treatment for 26CrMo4S/2 Steel被引量:4
Because CaSi core wire was not fed in external refining process for 26CrMo4S/2 steel making, it was found that the molar ratio of calcium versus alumina was very low and subsequently resulted in generation of much more non-metallic inclusions. Hence, it was reasonable to sugguest feeding appropriate amount of Ca core wire. Before the performance, the thermodynamic calculation had been carried out to obtain the theoretical amount of Ca wire to be fed. According to the practical data from steel plant and the thermodynamic data, it was calculated that only when 5 2/34.97 10 [%Al]T-≥×4 2/31.38 10 [%Al] [%Ca]T T-×≥≥in molten steel the Al2O3 inclusions could be properly modified.
Guo-dong SUNYa-fei SUICan-guo WANGMin GUOMei ZHANG
Synthesis of TiO_2 visible light catalysts with controllable crystalline phase and morphology from Ti-bearing electric arc furnace molten slag被引量:1
TiO_2 visible light catalysts with different crystalline phases and morphologies were synthesized from titanium-bearing electric arc furnace molten slag(Ti-bearing EAF slag)by using a simple acidolysis process.The effects of the p H of the HCl solution,liquid to solid ratio(RL/S,HCl solution to the residue ratio,m L/g) and acidolysis time on the micro-morphology and crystalline phase of as-prepared TiO_2 photocatalysts were systematically investigated.The results indicated that with decreasing p H in the HCl solution and increasing RL/S,the crystalline phase and micro-morphology of the obtained TiO_2 nanostructures tended to transform from anatase type TiO_2 with spherical nanoparticle structures to rutile type TiO_2 with needle-like nanorod structures.The acidolysis time had little influence on the crystalline phase but great impact on the size of the obtained TiO_2.The growth mechanism of TiO_2 from Ti-bearing EAF slag during the acidolysis process was also discussed.In addition,the influence of RL/Son the photocatalytic properties of the synthesized nanostructured TiO_2 was studied.The results showed that the photodegradation efficiency for Rhodamine B solution could reach 91.00% in 120 min when the RL/Swas controlled at 50:1.
Yang LiLulu LiuMin GuoMei Zhang
Phosphate enrichment mechanism in CaO–SiO_2–FeO–Fe_2O_3–P_2O_5 steelmaking slags with lower binary basicity被引量:3
The addition of silica to steelmaking slags to decrease the binary basicity can promote phosphate enrichment in quenched slag samples. In this study, we experimentally investigated phosphate enrichment behavior in CaO-SiO2-FeO-Fe203-P205 slags with a P205 content of 5.00% and the binary basicity B ranging from 1.0 to 2.0, where the (%Fe/O)/(%CaO) mass percentage ratio was maintained at 0.955. The experimental results are explained by the defined enrichment degree c, of solid solution 2CaO·SiO2-3CaO·P205 (C2S-C3P), where R_C2S-C3P is a component of the developed ion and molecule coexistence theory (IMCT)-Ni model for calculating the mass action concentrations Ni of structural units in the slags on the basis of the IMCT. The asymmetrically inverse V-shaped relation be- tween phosphate enrichment and binary basicity B was observed to be correlated in the slags under applied two-stage cooling conditions. The maximum content of PROs in the C2S-C3P solid solution reached approximately 30.0% when the binary basicity B was controlled at 1.3.
Jin-yan LiMei ZhangMin GuoXue-min Yang
以氩氧脱碳(AOD)炉用后镁钙砖为原料,配以电熔镁砂在1873K保温2h,分别合成出MgO含量(质量分数)分别为80%、70%、60%的再生镁钙砖样品。研究了样品物相、显微结构、常温力学性能、高温抗折强度与抗水化性能。结果表明:样品组成主要为MgO、CaO、少量Ca3SiO5和4CaO Al2O3 Fe2O3。MgO以较大颗粒连续弥散分布,CaO被MgO包裹呈孤岛状均匀分布。随用后镁钙砖加入量的增加,常温力学性能增强,高温(1373K)抗折强度仅在MgO含量为60%的样品中出现明显下降。样品具有良好的安定性和抗水化性能,最大水化质量增加率仅为0.82%,随用后镁钙砖加入量的增加,抗水化性能变差。
An improved implementable process for the synthesis of zeolite 4A from bauxite tailings and its Cr^(3+) removal capacity被引量:3
A simple and practical method for the synthesis of zeolite 4A from bauxite tailings is presented in this paper. Systematic investigations were carried out regarding the capacity of zeolite 4A to remove Cr(III) from aqueous solutions with relatively low initial concentrations of Cr(III)(5–100 mg·L^(-1)). It is found that the new method is extremely cost-effective and can significantly contribute in decreasing environmental pollution caused by the dumping of bauxite tailings. The Cr(III) removal capacity highly depends on the initial p H value and concentration of Cr(III) in the solution. The maximum removal capacity of Cr(III) was evaluated to be 85.1 mg×g^(-1) for zeolite 4A, measured at an initial p H value of 4 and an initial Cr(III) concentration of 5 mg·L^(-1). This approach enables a higher removal capacity at lower concentrations of Cr(III), which is a clear advantage over the chemical precipitation method. The removal mechanism of Cr(III) by zeolite 4A was examined. The results suggest that both ion exchange and the surface adsorption-crystallization reaction are critical steps. These two steps collectively resulted in the high removal capacity of zeolite 4A to remove Cr(III).
Peng-cheng LeiXian-jiang ShenYang LiMin GuoMei Zhang
Extraction and separation of nickel and cobalt from saprolite laterite ore by microwave-assisted hydrothermal leaching and chemical deposition被引量:4
Extraction and separation of nickel and cobalt from saprolite laterite ore were studied by using a method of microwave-assisted hydrothermal leaching and chemical deposition. The effects of leaching temperature and time on the extraction efficiencies of Ni2+ and Co2+ were investigated in detail under microwave conditions. It is shown that the extraction efficiencies of Ni2+ and Co2+ from the ore pre-roasted at 300℃ for 5 h were 89.19% and 61.89% when the leaching temperature and time were about 70℃ and 60 min, respectively. For the separation process of Ni and Co, the separation of main chemical components was performed by adjusting the pH values of sulfuric leaching solutions using a NaOH solution based on the different pH values of precipitation for metal hydroxides. The final separation efficiencies of Ni and Co were 77.29% and 65.87%, respectively. Furthermore, the separation efficiencies of Fe of 95.36% and Mg of 92.2% were also achieved at the same time.
Yan ZhaoJian-ming GaoYi YueBen PengZai-qing QueMin GuoMei Zhang
Controllable synthesis of nanorod/nanodisk TiO_2 from titanium-containing electric furnace molten slag被引量:3
Nanostructured TiO2 with different morphologies and crystal phases was successfully synthesized from titanium-containing electric furnace molten slag by using a hydrothermal method followed by reflux process in acid solution. The effects of acid concentration, reflux time, and acid type on the formation of TiO2 were systematically investigated by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray dif- fraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), and X-ray fluorescence (XRF). It is indicated that TiO2 nanorod with rutile phase is achieved in nitric or hydrochloric acid, while anatase TiO2 nanodisk is formed in sulfuric acid. With the increase of the concentration of hydrochloric acid from 0.3 to 1.5 mol-L-1, the dispersibility and crystallinity of the final product can be improved. With prolonging the reflux time from 6 to 14 h, the rutile TiO2 nanorod with uniform crystal size and high crystallinity is obtained. The growth mechanism of TiO2 nanorod and nanodisk prepared under different conditions was also discussed.
Zai-Qing QueYang LiHai-Yang YuFeng ZhengMei ZhangMin Guo