The Yushugou terrane of deepcrustal granulite facies in southern Tianshan consists of two parts, granulite and metaperidotite. The whole terrane is a metamorphism of (high-pressure) grunulite facies, and typical mineral associations are: Gt-Cpx-P1-Tit-Ilm (±Qz) (silica-saturated and oversaturated mafic rocks), Gt-Ky (pseudomorph)-P1-Ru-Ilm± Qz (metapelitic rocks) and Spi-Opx-Cpx-01 (meta-ultramafic rocks). The peak-stage P-T conditions are 795— 964°, 0.97—1.42 GPa, which are obtained with mineral chemistry, assemblage analyses and P-T estimation. The Sm-Nd isochron age of peak-stage metamorphic minerals is (315 ± 3.62) Ma. All of these indicate that the terrane is a deep-crustal body, which subducts to the depth of 40—50 km in the middle late-Paleozoic, undergoing metamorphism of (high-pressure) granulite facies, and exhumed again to the surface by tectonic uplifting.