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作品数:7 被引量:24H指数:4


  • 7篇中文期刊文章


  • 6篇化学工程
  • 1篇电子电信
  • 1篇理学


  • 4篇光纤
  • 3篇湍动流化床
  • 2篇流化
  • 2篇流化床
  • 2篇流体力学
  • 2篇计算流体力学
  • 2篇光纤测量
  • 2篇过渡段
  • 2篇TURBUL...
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  • 1篇数值模拟
  • 1篇减速
  • 1篇固含率
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  • 1篇光纤探针
  • 1篇SHEAR
  • 1篇BED
  • 1篇BUBBLE
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  • 4篇浙江大学


  • 4篇成有为
  • 4篇李希
  • 4篇吴诚
  • 3篇王丽军
  • 3篇高希


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  • 2篇化学反应工程...
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7 条 记 录,以下是 1-7
Solid concentration and velocity distributions in an annulus turbulent fluidized bed
Solid concentration and particle velocity distributions in the transition section of a Ф 200 mm turbulent fluidized bed (TFB) and a q5200 mrn annulus turbulent fluidized bed (A-TFB) with a Ф 50 mm central standpipe were measured using a PVBD optical probe. It is concluded that in turbulent regime, the axial distribution of solid concentration in A-TFB was similar to that in TFB, but the former had a shorter transition section. The axial solid concentration distribution, probability density, and power spectral distributions revealed that the standpipe hin- dered the turbulence of gas-solid two-phase flow at a low superficial gas velocity. Consequently, the bottom flow of A-TFB approached the bubbling fluidization pattern. By contrast, the standpipe facilitated the turbulence at a high superficial gas velocity, thus making the bottom flow of A-TFB approach the fast fluidization pattern. Both the particle velocity and solid concentration distribution presented a unimodal distribution in A-TFB and TFB. However, the standpipe at a high gas velocity and in the transition or dilute phase section significantly affected the radial distribution of flow parameters, presenting a bimodal distribution with particle concentration higher near the internal and external walls and in downward flow. Conversely, particle concentration in the middle an- nulus area was lower, and particles flowed upward. This result indicated that the standpipe destroyed the coreannular structure of TFB in the transition and dilute phase sections at a high gas velocity and also improved the particle distribution of TFB. In conclusion, the standpipe improved the fluidization quality and flow homogeneity at high gas velocity and in the transition or dilute phase section, but caused opposite phenomena at low gas velocity and in the dense-phase section.
采用PV6D型光纤探针测量了直径为200 mm与95 mm的2套湍动流化床装置中的颗粒速度分布,据此将湍动床在轴向上分成6个区域,分析了上部出口减速区与下部过渡段减速区的产生机理,考察了流化段高度、静床高、表观气速对颗粒减速区的影响。结果表明:上部减速区是扩大段所产生的,下部减速区则是由于固含率急剧变化所引起的;随流化段高度减小,上部减速区下降,相邻的充分发展区与加速区缩短乃至消失;下部减速区的位置随静床高的增加而升高,随表观气速的增大而下移,与过渡段的变化趋势一致。
Experimental and numerical investigations of scale-up effects on the hydrodynamics of slurry bubble columns被引量:4
Experiments and simulations were conducted for bubble columns with diameter of 0.2 m(180 mm i.d.), 0.5 m(476 mm i.d.) and 0.8 m(760 mm i.d.) at high superficial gas velocities(0.12–0.62 m·s-1) and high solid concentrations(0–30 vol%). Radial profiles of time-averaged gas holdup, axial liquid velocity, and turbulent kinetic energy were measured by using in-house developed conductivity probes and Pavlov tubes. Effects of column diameter, superficial gas velocity, and solid concentration were investigated in a wide range of operating conditions. Experimental results indicated that the average gas holdup remarkably increases with superficial gas velocity, and the radial profiles of investigated flow properties become steeper at high superficial gas velocities. The axial liquid velocities significantly increase with the growth of the column size, whereas the gas holdup was slightly affected. The presence of solid in bubble columns would inhibit the breakage of bubbles, which results in an increase in bubble rise velocity and a decrease in gas holdup, but time-averaged axial liquid velocities remain almost the same as that of the hollow column. Furthermore, a 2-D axisymmetric k–ε model was used to simulate heterogeneous bubbly flow using commercial code FLUENT 6.2. The lateral lift force and the turbulent diffusion force were introduced for the determination of gas holdup profiles and the effects of solid concentration were considered as the variation of average bubble diameter in the model. Results predicted by the CFD simulation showed good agreement with experimental data.
Zhaoqi LiXiaoping GuanLijun WangYouwei ChengXi Li
流化床中颗粒速度的测量一直是个技术上的难点。今针对光纤测量信号提出一种基于互相关原理的时均速度计算方法。考虑到数据分段计算时其可靠性方面的差异,将互相关系数作为第二权重因子引入时均速度计算公式。利用PV6D光纤探针在200 mm直径流化床中测得的原始信号,对比了三种数据处理方法所得的颗粒时均速度,并分别计算其床层截面颗粒净流率,说明提出的方法可靠性更高。据此测量了流化床过渡段不同高度处颗粒时均速度的径向分布,并采用修正的三段曳力模型来描述具有团聚行为的颗粒曳力,进行计算流体力学模拟。测量与模拟结果均表明,从过渡段到稀相段,床中心区的颗粒速度先降低后升高,其径向分布也从陡峭变平缓,然后再次趋于陡峭。颗粒速度分布的上述规律主要由固含率与气速的径向分布共同作用所致。
A dual-scale turbulence model for gas–liquid bubbly flows被引量:1
A dual-scale turbulence model is applied to simulate cocurrent upward gas-liquid bubbly flows and validated with available experimental data. In the model, liquid phase turbulence is split into shear-induced and bubble- induced turbulence. Single-phase standard k-e model is used to compute shear-induced turbulence and another transport equation is added to model bubble-induced turbulence. In the latter transport equation, energy loss due to interface drag is the production term, and the characteristic length of bubble-induced turbulence, simply the bubble diameter in this work, is introduced to model the dissipation term. The simulated results agree well with experimental data of the test cases and it is demonstrated that the proposed dual-scale turbulence model outperforms other models. Analysis of the predicted turbulence shows that the main part of turbulent kinetic en- ergy is the bubble-induced one while the shear-induced turbulent viscosity predominates within turbulent vis- cosity, especially at the pipe center. The underlying reason is the apparently different scales for the two kinds of turbulence production mechanisms: the shear-induced turbulence is on the scale of the whole pipe while the bubble-induced turbulence is on the scale of bubble diameter. Therefore, the model reflects the multi-scale phe- nomenon involved in gas-liquid bubbly flows.
使用PV6D颗粒速度测量仪测量了流化床中的颗粒速度并进行信号分析。制作圆盘速度标定装置校正由光纤互相关计算得到的颗粒速度。考察了被测物体运动速度以及测量间距对光纤测得速度和信号强度的影响。实验证明:距探头4 mm以外的信号是造成测量偏差的主因,而被测物体运动速度对测量结果影响不大。根据标定实验得到速度偏离曲线和信号衰减曲线,分析了原始信号中造成速度偏离的远距离信号占信号总体的比率。将按照不同阈值滤波后计算所得速度进行对比,并评估数据失真程度,提出了一种利用滤波阈值进行颗粒速度校正的方法,并筛选出适合本实验条件的滤波阈值。