It is well known that the symmetric cone complementarity problem(SCCP) is a broad class of optimization problems which contains many optimization problems as special cases.Based on a general smoothing function,we propose in this paper a non-interior continuation algorithm for solving the monotone SCCP.The proposed algorithm solves at most one system of linear equations at each iteration.By using the theory of Euclidean Jordan algebras,we show that the algorithm is globally linearly and locally quadratically convergent under suitable assumptions.
In this paper, we propose a smoothing algorithm for solving the monotone symmetric cone complementarity problems (SCCP for short) with a nonmonotone line search. We show that the nonmonotone algorithm is globally convergent under an assumption that the solution set of the problem concerned is nonempty. Such an assumption is weaker than those given in most existing algorithms for solving optimization problems over symmetric cones. We also prove that the solution obtained by the algorithm is a maximally complementary solution to the monotone SCCP under some assumptions.