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9 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
本研究揭示 ,越冬木本植物在夏秋转变过程中对光周期变化十分敏感 .在北纬 4 5°的明尼苏达州圣保罗地区 ,当日照变短 72min时 (2 0 0 0年 8月 8日 ) ,桑树顶芽细胞质浆和细胞核内即出现Ca2 + 流入 ,而在夏天长日照时期 (7月上、中旬 )很少有Ca2 + 存在的细胞质和细胞核 .12d后 (8月 2 0日 ) ,观测到桑树和杨树芽已经开始进入生理休眠 .从 9月上旬到 11月中旬 ,细胞质和细胞核内的Ca2 + 浓度显著升高 ,11月中旬达到高峰 .与此同时 ,芽的生理休眠深度也迅速增加 ,并于 11月达到高峰 ,4 2d培养也不见萌芽迹象 .到 12月中旬 (12月 2 0日 ) ,细胞核和细胞质中的Ca2 + 浓度又恢复到夏季观察到的低水平 ,显示早先进入细胞质和细胞核中的Ca2 + 已经被排出 .此后 ,在 12月下旬 (2 5日 ) ,检测到生理休眠的终结 .室外补充光照实验进一步证明 ,只有日照缩短才会引发植物进入自然生理休眠 ;保持日照长度不变 ,晚夏时期的自然温度降低 ,不能诱导植株停止生长和进入休眠 .这些结果表明 ,越冬木本植物在晚夏到冬季的生理休眠发展过程中 ,日照缩短引起的核和质内Ca2 + 的流入不仅起着传递日照变短信号的作用 ,导致生理休眠的起始 ;而且 ,高水平的核 /质Ca2 + 浓度还起着发展和保持深度生理休眠的作用 .图版 1图 1表
简令成卢存福邓江明李积宏LIPaul H
Ultrastructural and Extracellular Protein Changes in Cell Suspension Cultures of Populus euphratica Associated with Low Temperature-induced Cold Acclimation被引量:2
Populus euphratica Olive is the only tree species that can grow in the saline land and also survive cold winters in northwest China, and it plays a very important role in stabilizing the vulnerable ecosystem there. A cell suspension culture was initiated from callus derived from plantlets of Populus euphratica. Cold acclimation was induced (LT50 of 17.5 ℃) in cell suspension at 45 ℃ in the dark for 30 days and the freezing tolerance increased from LT50 of 12.5 ℃ in nonacclimated cells to LT50 of 17.5 ℃ in cold-acclimated cells. Microvacuolation, cytoplasmic augmentation and accumulation of starch granules were observed in cells that were cold-acclimated by exposure to low temperatures. Several qualitative and quantitative changes in proteins were noted during cold acclimation. Antibodies to carrot extracellular (apoplastic) 36 kD antifreeze protein did not cross react on immunoelectroblots with extracellular proteins in cell suspension culture medium of Populus euphratica, indicating no common epitopes in the carrot 36 kD antifreeze protein and P. euphratica extracellular proteins. The relationship of these changes to cold acclimation in Populus euphratica cell cultures was discussed.
Dai HuanqinLu CunfuZhang HuiZhang Xujia
简令成卢存福李积宏LI Paul H
Effects of cold-hardening on compatible solutes and antioxidant enzyme activities related to freezing tolerance in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus seedlings被引量:3
Cold acclimation is associated with many metabolic changes that lead to an increase of freezing tolerance. In order to investigate the biochemical process of cold acclimation in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus, seedlings were acclimated at 2℃ under 16-h photoperiod (150 μmol·m^-2·s^-1 photosynthetically active radiation) for 14 d. Freezing tolerance in seedlings increased after 14 d of cold-hardening. Contents of protein, proline and solute carbohydrate in cotyledon increased after cold acclimation. Patterns of isozymes of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase, catalase and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) were investigated. The activities of SOD, peroxidase and PPO in cold acclimated plants were increased during cold-hardening. We deduced that compatible solutes and antioxidant enzymes play important roles in development of freezing tolerance during cold acclimation in this evergreen woody plant.
WANG Wei-juan CHEN Yu-zhen LIU Mei-qin LU Cun-fu
Expression of a Carrot 36 kD Antifreeze Protein Gene Improves ColdStress Tolerance in Transgenic Tobacco被引量:1
Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) enable organisms to survive under cold conditions, and have great potential in improving cold tolerance of cold-sensitive plants, In order to determine whether expression of the carrot 36 kD antifreeze protein gene confers improved cold-resistant properties to plant tissues, we tried to obtain transgenic tobacco plants which expressed the antifreeze protein. Cold, salt, and drought induced promoter Prd29A was cloned using PCR from Arabidopsis. Two plant expression vectors based on pBI121 were constructed with CaMV35S:AFP and Prd29A:AFP. Tobacco plantlets were transformed by Agrobacterium-medicated transformation. PCR and Southern blotting demonstrated that the carrot 36 kD afp gene was successfully integrated into the genomes of transformed plantlets. The expression of the afp gene in transgenic plants led to improved tolerance to cold stress. However, the use of the strong constitutive 35S cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) promoter to drive expression of afp also resulted in growth retardation under normal growing conditions. In contrast, the expression of afp driven by the stress-inducible Prd29A promoter from Arabidopsis gave rise to minimal effects on plant growth while providing an increased tolerance to cold stress condition (2℃). The results demonstrated the prospect of using Prd29A-AFP transgenic plants in cold-stressed conditions that will in turn benefit agriculture.
Xu Wen-li Liu Mei-qin Shen Xin Lu Cun-fu
Micropropagation and Callus Culture of Saussurea laniceps, an Alpine Medicinal Plant被引量:1
Cottonhead windhairdaisy (Saussurea laniceps Hand.-Mazz.) is one of the most famous and important medicinal herbs in China. Illegal collection from wild populations is increasingly threatening the present environment of S. laniceps. Estab- lishment of an efficient method for micropropagation is the best way to change its endangered situation. When mature seeds of S. laniceps were cultured on hormone-free MS medium, plantlets were formed from germinated seeds in 7–10 d. Then 0.5 cm × 0.5 cm leaf explants were transplanted to MS medium supplemented with 1-naphthalene-acetic acid (NAA)/2,4-D and benzyladenine (BA)/KT and callus was achieved 10 d after transfer. Shoot bud regeneration occurred from callus cultured on MS medium supple- mented with different growth regulators 20 d after culturing. The regeneration percentages varied with the different components of plant growth regulators. The percent regeneration from callus pretreated at low temperature of 5°C increased significantly compared with those incubated at 23/20°C directly. Optimal regeneration was observed with explants on media supplemented with 1.5 mg·L–1 BA plus 0.2 mg·L–1 NAA. In the presence of 0.2 mg·L–1 NAA in half-strength MS, 78% of the shoots formed roots. Plantlets from explants showed 63% survival after acclimatization.
ChenYu-zhen LiFeng-lan
Cold acclimation induced accumulation of phenolic compounds and freezing tolerance in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus被引量:2
Ammopiptanthus mongolicus, the only freezing tolerant evergreen broad-leaved shrub, local species of the Alashan desert, northwest sand area of China, can survive -30℃ or even lower temperature in winter. In the present study, the secondary products phenolics in A. mongolicus cotyledons were determined to study the effects of phenolics on cold tolerance. Cytochemical localization of phenolics in cotyledon cells was observed by electron microscopy and the content of phenolic compounds was assayed by spectrophotometric measurement. The results showed that the freezing tolerance ofA. mongolicus seedlings increased after acclimation at 2℃ for 14 days, which accompanied the increase of the content of phenolic compounds in cotyledons. Cytochemical observation showed that phenolic deposits were mainly localized in vacuoles and in close proximity to tonoplast, and also in the cytoplasm. The amount and the size of phenolics droplets increased obviously in cytoplasm and vacuoles after cold acclimation, predominantly aggregated along membranes of vacuoles and tonoplast. No phenolic deposits were found in cell walls. As hydrogen- or elec- tron-donating agents, phenolics may protect plant cells against reactive oxygen species formed during chilling or freezing stress and improve the freezing tolerance of cold-acclimated A. mongolicus seedlings.
Liu Mei-qin Chen Yi-yin Lu Cun-fu Zhang Hui Yin Wei-lun