For transient Naiver-Stokes problems, a stabilized nonconforming finite element method is presented, focusing on two pairs inf-sup unstable finite element spaces, i.e., pNC/pNC triangular and pNQ/pNQ quadrilateral finite element spaces. The semi- and full-discrete schemes of the stabilized method are studied based on the pressure projection and a variational multi-scale method. It has some attractive features: avoiding higher-order derivatives and edge-based data structures, adding a discrete velocity term only on the fine scale, being effective for high Reynolds number fluid flows, and avoiding increased computation cost. For the full-discrete scheme, it has second-order estimations of time and is unconditionally stable. The presented numerical results agree well with the theoretical results.
In this paper,a new type of stabilized finite element method is discussed for Oseen equations based on the local L^(2)projection stabilized technique for the velocity field.Velocity and pressure are approximated by two kinds of mixed finite element spaces,P^(2)_( l)-P_(1),(l=1,2).A main advantage of the proposed method lies in that,all the computations are performed at the same element level,without the need of nested meshes or the projection of the gradient of velocity onto a coarse level.Stability and convergence are proved for two kinds of stabilized schemes.Numerical experiments confirm the theoretical results.