The dynamics of the three coupled dipolar Bose–Einstein condensates containing N bosons is investigated within a mean-field semiclassical picture based on the coherent-state method. Varieties of periodic solutions (configured as vortex, single depleted well, and dimerlike states) are obtained analytically when the fixed points are identified on the N=constant. The system dynamics are studied via numeric integration of trimer motion equations, thus revealing macroscopic effects of population inversion and self-trapping with different initial states. In particular, the trajectory of the oscillations of the populations in each well shows how the dynamics of the condensates are effected by the presence of dipole–dipole interaction and gauge field.
We investigate the nonlinear dynamics of a system composed of a cigar-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate and an optical cavity with the two sides coupled dispersively.By adopting discrete-mode approximation for the condensate,taking atom loss as a necessary part of the model to analyze the evolution of the system,while using trial and error method to find out steady states of the system as a reference,numerical simulation demonstrates that with a constant pump,atom loss will trigger a quantum optical bi-stability switch,which predicts a new interesting phenomenon for experiments to verify.
We consider two coupled Gross Pitaevskii equations describing a two-component Bose Einstein condensate with time-dependent atomic interactions loaded in an external harmonic potential, and investigate the dynamics of vector solitons. By using a direct method, we construct a novel family of vector soliton solutions, which are the linear combination between dark and bright solitons in each component. Our results show that due to the superposition between dark and bright solitons, such vector solitons possess many novel and interesting properties. The dynamics of vector solitons can be controlled by the Feshbach resonance technique, and the vector solitons can keep the dynamic stability against the variation of the scattering length.