The fine-scale heterogeneity of granular material is characterized by its polydisperse microstructure with randomness and no periodicity. To predict the mechanical response of the material as the microstructure evolves, it is demonstrated to develop computational multiscale methods using discrete particle assembly-Cosserat continuum modeling in micro- and macro- scales,respectively. The computational homogenization method and the bridge scale method along the concurrent scale linking approach are briefly introduced. Based on the weak form of the Hu-Washizu variational principle, the mixed finite element procedure of gradient Cosserat continuum in the frame of the second-order homogenization scheme is developed. The meso-mechanically informed anisotropic damage of effective Cosserat continuum is characterized and identified and the microscopic mechanisms of macroscopic damage phenomenon are revealed. c 2013 The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. [doi: 10.1063/2.1301101]