[Objective] The aim was to explore release characteristics of vinyl chlo- ride-vinyl acetate copolymer controlled-release N fertilizer and the effects on minerat nitrogen in soils. [Method] Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymer and hydroxyl-modi- fied VCNAc were taken as coating materials to prepare slow release fertilizer. Nutri- ent release characteristics of VC/VAc slow release fertilizer was evaluated by water immersion method and the effects of VC/VAc slow release fertilizer on mineral ni- trogen were researched by pot experiment. [Result] The release periods of VC-VAc controlled-release urea and hydroxyl-modified VC/VAc coated urea were 60 and 50 d, respectively. Furthermore, the content of ammonium nitrogen reached the peak on the 30th d and the content of nitrate nitrogen reached the peak on the 60th d in soils in treatments with VCNAc and hydroxyl-modified VC/VAc; the content of nitrate nitrogen rose again on the 120th d in the treatment with VC/VAc. In terms of wheat yield, different treatments showed insignificant differences and rice yield in the treatment with VCNAc was significantly higher than that in the treatment with hy- droxyl-modified VCNAc (P〈0.05). [Conclusion] The release days of slow controlled- release fertilizer vary upon pot experiment method and water immersion method. Slow controlled-release fertilizer is not suitable for monoculture, due to long fertilizer efficiency, but multiple cropping would be optimal for its role to be fully exploited.
以我国大面积种植的典型旱地作物甘薯为研究对象,进行可控条件的不同水分处理的盆栽试验,研究了水分胁迫下甘薯各典型生育期各器官碳同位素判别值(Δ13C)、水分利用效率(WUE)及其之间的关系。试验设3个水分条件:分别为田间持水量的50%(W1),75%(W2),100%(W3)。结果表明,各生育期各器官生物量均随着水分增加而增加,在W3处理时达到最大,各生育期WUE则在W1处理时达到最大。尽管W3处理最终总生物量积累及产量最高,但高水分处理下将降低光合同化物向地下部的分配比例;同时,甘薯光合速率和Ru Bis CO活性之间呈正相关关系;甘薯不同生育期不同部位的Δ13C各不相同,其中根的Δ13C最小,然后依次为叶柄、茎秆、叶片,表明甘薯叶片光合同化物质在各器官中分配时发生碳同位素的分馏作用;在甘薯的各生育期,各器官Δ13C和瞬时WUE呈一致性的负相关关系。综上所述,碳同位素可以作为灵敏简单、快速准确的甘薯WUE的评价方法。