In this paper, we investigate the existence of multiple positive solutions for the following fourthorder p-Laplacian Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems on time scales ﹛[φp(u^△△(t))]^△△= f(t, u(σ(t))), t ∈ [a, b],α0 u(a)- β0u^△(a) = 0, γ0 u(σ(b)) + δ0 u△(σ(b)) = 0,α0(φp(u^△△))(a)- β0(φp(u^△△))△(a) = 0,γ0(φp(u^△△))(σ(b)) + δ0(φp(u^△△))△(σ(b)) = 0,where φp(s) is the p-Laplacian operator. Under growth conditions on the nonlinearity f some existence results of at least two and three positive solutions for the above problem are obtained by virtue of fixed point theorems on cone. In particular, the nonlinearity f may be both sublinear and superlinear.
In this paper, by virtue of Leray-Lions theorem, we are mainly concerned with the existence of weak solutions to a Dirichlet boundary value problem with the p-Laplacian operator.