The Circle algorithm was proposed for large datasets.The idea of the algorithm is to find a set of vertices that are close to each other and far from other vertices.This algorithm makes use of the connection between clustering aggregation and the problem of correlation clustering.The best deterministic approximation algorithm was provided for the variation of the correlation of clustering problem,and showed how sampling can be used to scale the algorithms for large datasets.An extensive empirical evaluation was given for the usefulness of the problem and the solutions.The results show that this method achieves more than 50% reduction in the running time without sacrificing the quality of the clustering.
在无线局域网络中,针对无线信道的异构性和传输控制协议(transmission control protocol,TCP)闭环拥塞控制的贪婪性,提出了一种基于显式拥塞通告(explicit congestion notification,ECN)标记算法的公平拥塞控制机制(access point congestion control,APCC)。APCC在AP节点结合缓存队列长度和无线信道负载的测量来检测拥塞,依据联合的拥塞测度来实施拥塞控制,通过保证低丢包率和低排队延时得到了高吞吐率;利用ECN显式反馈机制,对通过AP的上行和下行TCP DATA和ACK分组实施ECN标记,实现了上下行公平的双向拥塞控制;同时在多速率信道环境下,依据各流的无线信道速率来调节单流ECN的标记概率,实现不同无线信道速率TCP流之间的时间公平,大大提高了网络的总体效率。