A vertex-colored graph G is said to be rainbow vertex-connected if every two vertices of G are connected by a path whose internal vertices have distinct colors, such a path is called a rainbow path. The rainbow vertex-connection number of a connected graph G, denoted by rvc(G), is the smallest number of colors that are needed in order to make G rainbow vertex-connected. If for every pair u, v of distinct vertices, G contains a rainbow u-v geodesic, then G is strong rainbow vertex-connected. The minimum number k for which there exists a k-vertex-coloring of G that results in a strongly rainbow vertex-connected graph is called the strong rainbow vertex-connection number of G, denoted by srvc(G). Observe that rvc(G) ≤ srvc(G) for any nontrivial connected graph G. In this paper, for a Ladder L_n,we determine the exact value of srvc(L_n) for n even. For n odd, upper and lower bounds of srvc(L_n) are obtained. We also give upper and lower bounds of the(strong) rainbow vertex-connection number of Mbius Ladder.