G IS数据库中空间关联规则发现是SDMKD的重要内容,广泛涉及到知识的表示和推理,需要地理空间知识的深入参与。在地理空间认知的基础上,结合认知逻辑,通过ILP对空间关联规则进行形式化描述,特别分析了其中涉及的空间谓词;通过例子说明了形式化空间关联规则的具体应用。从G IS数据库中挖掘空间关联规则的主要问题是多层、多关系的规则挖掘问题,不同专题图层不同空间对象之间空间谓词的高效计算与存储表达是解决问题的关键;把空间关系非空间化,将连续数据离散化,从而把求解问题转换成布尔型关联规则问题进行讨论,基于此而探讨了一种通过SJI-P表组织空间谓词,然后根据目标对象的概念层级自顶向下、逐层细化的空间关联规则挖掘方法。
With the wide use of high-resolution remotely sensed imagery, the object-oriented remotely sensed informa- tion classification pattern has been intensively studied. Starting with the definition of object-oriented remotely sensed information classification pattern and a literature review of related research progress, this paper sums up 4 developing phases of object-oriented classification pattern during the past 20 years. Then, we discuss the three aspects of method- ology in detail, namely remotely sensed imagery segmentation, feature analysis and feature selection, and classification rule generation, through comparing them with remotely sensed information classification method based on per-pixel. At last, this paper presents several points that need to be paid attention to in the future studies on object-oriented RS in- formation classification pattern: 1) developing robust and highly effective image segmentation algorithm for multi-spectral RS imagery; 2) improving the feature-set including edge, spatial-adjacent and temporal characteristics; 3) discussing the classification rule generation classifier based on the decision tree; 4) presenting evaluation methods for classification result by object-oriented classification pattern.