The germination experiment of Chinese\|fir 〔\%Cunninghamia lanceolata \%(Lamb. ) Hook.〕 seeds treated by ferulic acid and cinnamic acid of different concentrations (0.2, 0.4 and 0.8 mg/L) with bioassay of allelopathy was carried out. The result showed that the seed germination was inhibited by ferulic acid and cinnamic acid, and the inhibition is more obvious in higher concentration than that in lower concentration.
Allelochemicals of Chinese-fir root was extracted by technology ofsupercritical CO_2 extraction under orthogonal experiment design, and it was used to analyzeallelopathic activity of Chinese-fir through bioassay of seed germination. The results showed thatas to the available rate of allelochemicals, the pressure and temperature of extraction were themost important factors. The allelochemicals of Chinese-fir root extracted by pure CO_2 and ethanolmixed with CO_2 have different allelopathic activities to seed germination, and the allelochemicalsextracted by ethanol mixed with CO_2 had stronger inhibitory effects on seed germination than thatextracted by pure CO_2.