The gyroresonant interaction between electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves and energetic particles was studied in a multi-ion (H^+, He^+, and O^+) plasma. The minimum resonant energy Emin, resonant wave frequency w, and pitch angle diffusion coefficient Daa were calculated at the center location of the symmetrical ring current: r ≈3.5RE with RE the Earth's radius. Emin is found to decrease rapidly from 10 MeV to a few keV with the increase in ca in three bands: H^+-band, He^+-band and O^+-band. Moreover, EMIC waves have substantial potential to scatter energetic (~100 keV) ions (mainly H^+ and He^+) into the loss cone and yield precipitation loss, suggesting that wave-particle interactions contribute to ring current decay.
A three-dimensional ray tracing study of a whistler-mode chorus is conducted for different geomagnetic activities by using a global core plasma density model. For the upperband chorus, the initial azimuthal wave angle affects slightly the projection of ray trajectories onto the plane (Z, √(x^2 + y^2)), but controls the longitudinal propagation. The trajectory of the upper-band chorus is strongly associated with the plasmapause and the magnetic local time (MLT) of chorus source region. For the high geomagnetic activity, the chorus trajectory moves inward together with the plasmapause. In the bulge region, the plasmapause extends outward, while the chorus trajectory moves outward together with the plasmapause. For moderately or high geomagnetic activity, the lower-band chorus suffers low hybrid resonance (LHR) reflection before it reaches the plasmapause, leading to a weak correlation with the geomagnetic activity and magnetic local time of the chorus source region. For low geomagnetic activity, the lower-band chorus may be reflected firstly at the plasmapause instead of suffering LHR reflection, exhibiting a propagation characteristic similar to that of the upper-band chorus. The results provide a new insight into the propagation characteristics of the chorus for different geomagnetic activities and contribute to further understanding of the acceleration of energetic electron by a chorus wave.