Sr2VO3-δFeAs superconductors with different oxygen deficiencies have been successfully fabricated.It is found that the superconducting transition temperature drops down monotonically with the increase of nominal oxygen deficiency.The diminishing of superconductivity is accompanied by the enhancement of residual resistivity,indicating an anomalous scattering effect induced by the oxygen deficiency.The highest superconducting transition temperature at about 36 K is achieved near the stoichiometrical sample Sr2VO2.9FeAs.The Hall effect measurements reveal that the density of charge carriers(electron-like here) varies qualitatively with the increase of nominal oxygen deficiency.Magnetotransport measurements show that the superconducting transition changes from one-step-like shape at low fields to two-step-like one at high fields,indicating an enhanced vortex motion due to the high anisotropy.
Low-temperature specific heat was measured on the BaFe1.9Ni0.1As2 single crystals with critical transition temperature Tc = 20.1 K.A clear specific heat jump with the value ΔC/T|Tc ≈ 23 mJ/mol K2 was observed.In addition,a roughly linear magnetic field dependence of the electronic specific heat coefficient Δγ(H) was found in the zero-temperature limit,suggesting that at least one Fermi pocket,probably the hole derivative one,was fully gapped with a small anisotropy in the present sample.A slight curvature of the curve Δγ(H) may suggest a complex gap structure(anisotropic gap or nodes) at other Fermi surfaces.
Superconductivity was achieved in Ti-doped iron-arsenide compound Sr4Cr0.8Ti1.2O6Fe2As2 (abbreviated as Cr-FeAs-42622). The X-ray diffraction measurement shows that this material has a layered structure with the space group of P4/nmm,and with the lattice constants a = b = 3.9003 and c = 15.8376 . Clear diamagnetic signals in ac susceptibility data and zero-resistance in resistivity data were detected at about 6 K,confirming the occurrence of bulk superconductivity. Meanwhile we observed a supercon-ducting transition in the resistive data with the onset transition temperature at 29.2 K,which may be induced by the nonuniform distribution of the Cr/Ti content in the FeAs-42622 phase.
ZHU XiYu,HAN Fei,MU Gang,CHENG Peng,SHEN Bing,ZENG Bin & WEN HaiHu National Laboratory for Superconductivity,Institute of Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China
The low temperature specific heat of Sm-AI-Co ternary metallic glasses is investigated and a clear anomaly associated with the Boson peak is identified. While this anomaly depends slightly on the chemical composition, it has no dependence on external magnetic field. To figure out the mechanism of the Boson peak, we interpret the data within various model frameworks. Unlike earlier work, our study shows that this Boson peak is mainly ascribed to an additional T2 term of the specific heat, which may originate from the quasi-two-dimensional and short-range ordered structure units possibly existing in the metallic glasses.
The alloys of non-centrosymmetric superconductor, Re3W, which were reported to have an ^-Mn structure [P. Greenfield and P. A. Beck, J. Metals, N. Y. 8, 265 (1959)] with Tc = 9K, are prepared by arc melting. The values of ac susceptibility and the low-temperature specific heat of these alloys are measured. It is found that there are two superconducting phases coexisting in the samples with Tc1 ≈ 9 K and Tc2 ≈ 7K, which are both non-centrosymmetric in structure as reported previously. By analysing the specific heat data measured in various magnetic fields down to a temperature of 1.8 K, we find that the absence of the inversion symmetry does not lead to an obvious deviation from an s-wave pairing symmetry in Re3W.