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  • 2篇生物学


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7 条 记 录,以下是 1-7
The Greening Construction and Technology of the Management in the Lop Nur Potash Mine
Lop Nur potash mine greening projects is located in the heart of the Lop Nur, known as the "green zone ban". The project overcomes the extreme drought, high temperature, gale and dust salt and salt, and many other adverse environmen- tal factors. Adopted the suitable salt improvement measures and management tech- nology, the artificial green has emerged in the sea of death. At the same time the greening project improved the office environment of mining area, and shaped ex- treme environment greening projects successful cases.
Growth and sustainability of Suaeda salsa in the Lop Nur,China被引量:4
Extremely saline soils are very harsh environments for the growth and survival of most plant species, however, halophytes can grow well. The underlying mechanism of halophyte to resist high saline is not well understood by us. This study was conducted at the potash mine near the Lop Nur, China, where the effects of the halophyte Suaeda salsa L. on the saline-alkaline soils and its growth and sustainability were investigated. Four plots(in which the salt encrustation layers were removed), with different soil treatments were evaluated:(1) undisturbed soil, with no additional treatment(T1);(2) the slag soil zone, in which a 40-cm layer of slag was placed on the undisturbed soil surface(T2);(3) slag+sandy soil, in which a 20-cm layer of slag was placed in the lower layer and 20 cm of sandy soil, taken from an area about 70 km away from Lop Nur potash mine, where Tamarix species were growing, was placed in the upper layer(T3); and(4) a 40-cm sandy soil layer taken from the area where Tamarix species were growing was placed on undisturbed soil(T4). Soil nutrient contents increased in the four treatments, but salt content only decreased in the T1 treatment. Salt content in the T4 treatment increased over the two-year period, which may be partly attributed to salt deposition from wind-blown dust within the mine and salt accumulation within the surface soil(0–20 cm) in response to high evaporative demands. The S. salsa plants exhibited greater improvements in growth under the T4 treatment than under the T1, T2, and T3 treatments, which demonstrated that low levels of salinity are beneficial for the growth of this species. The T1 treatment was sustainable because of its low cost and superior soil improvement characteristics. Therefore, S. salsa plants not only reduced soil salinity and increased soil nutrient levels, but also ameliorated the plant growth environment, which would be beneficial for both the ecological restoration of the Lop Nur area and similar areas throughout t
LI CongjuanLIU RanWANG ShijieSUN YongqiangLI ShengyuZHANG HengGAO JieDANG YanxiZHANG Lili
Scale Dependence of Soil Spatial Variation in a Temperate Desert被引量:2
Spatial variation is a ubiquitous feature of natural ecosystems, especially in arid regions, and is often present at various scales in these regions. To determine the scale dependence of the heterogeneity of soil chemical properties and the dominant scales(factors) for soil heterogeneity in arid regions, the spatial variability of soil resources was investigated in the Gurbantunggut Desert of Central Asia at the scales of 10-3, 10-2, 10-1, 100, 101, 102, 103and 104m(from individual plant to population or community to ecosystem). Soil chemical properties including pH, electrical conductivity(EC), organic carbon, total nitrogen, available nitrogen, total phosphorus, and available phosphorus were considered in the investigation. At a scale of 10-1m, which represented the scale of individual plant, significant enrichment of soil resources occurred under shrub canopy and "fertile islands" formed in the desert ecosystem. Soil EC exhibited the largest heterogeneity at this scale, indicating that individual plants exerted a great influence on soil salinity/alkalinity. Soil nutrients exhibited the greatest heterogeneity at a scale of 102m, which represented the scale of sand dune/interdune lowlands(between communities). The main important factors contributing to soil spatial heterogeneity in the Gurbantunggut Desert were individual plants and different topographic characteristics, namely, the appearance of vegetation, especially shrubs or small trees, and existing sand dunes. Soil salinity/alkalinity and soil nutrient status behaved differently in spatial heterogeneity, with an inverse distribution between them at the individual scale.
LI Cong-JuanLEI Jia-QiangSHI XiangLIU Ran
采用抽样调查的方法对古尔班通古特沙漠南缘的8个角茴香自然群落的群落特征和生物生态学特性进行调查,对其群落特征和花部特征进行初步探究,为进一步对其传粉适应性以及繁育系统特征的研究奠定基础。结果表明:(1)角茴香群落中包含30种植物,隶属于15科28属,单种科、单种属较多。(2)根据群落组成和重要值可将8个角茴香自然群落划分为3个群丛,分别是角茴香+草地早熟禾+白茎绢蒿群丛、角茴香+艾比湖沙拐枣+白茎绢蒿群丛和角茴香+白茎绢蒿+蛇麻黄群丛。(3)角茴香种群、单株、花序和单花的花期分别历时37~40d、14~16d、13~15d和1~2d,单株结籽量700~900粒,种子千粒重(0.291 0±0.002 7)g,单花具有特殊的中裂片结构,具有雄蕊拟态和花粉二次呈现的功能。
以罗布泊钾盐矿区人工植被生态示范区种植的盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)为对象,重点研究不同土壤类型对植物生长的影响以及盐地碱蓬在盐碱土改良中的生态学意义。结果显示:全换土区植物个体生长较其他土壤类型生长良好,而炉渣区生长相对较慢,这说明好的土壤环境利于植物的生长;对于炉渣区而言,虽然其含盐量不是最高,但因为其孔隙度大的物理性质使其保水力相对较差,因此,植物生长相对最差。而原状土区虽然植物发芽存活率低,植被盖度低,但是存活的个体生长良好,说明盐地碱蓬一旦适应了盐土环境,高盐土环境不会对其生长产生较大影响。根冠比结果表明,原状土区>炉渣区>炉渣+换土区>全换土区,这说明在较差的土壤环境中(高盐/高孔隙度),植物为了更好的生存,必须发展出较为强大的根系,以获取更多的养分和水分来维持生活,这正是植物适应外界胁迫环境的一种生态机制;对于土壤盐分和养分的研究结果显示:在盐碱土环境中种植盐地碱蓬后,土壤中的有机碳含量,全氮、全磷和全钾含量随着种植年限的增加而逐年增加。然而,其盐分含量和p H在原状土区有了不同程度的减小,说明盐地碱蓬有利于该区土壤盐碱性的降低以及土壤养分的积累。