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7 条 记 录,以下是 1-7
通过线性倾向估计、Mann-Kendall突变检验、小波变换等方法,系统分析了青藏高原东南缘丽江玉龙雪山地区气候的变化趋势、突变和周期特征,在此基础上探讨了玉龙雪山白水1号冰川进退与该地区气候变化之间的关系。结果表明:①1951—2011年丽江气温、降水变化倾向分别为0.15℃/10 a和9.0 mm/10 a;年气温在1998年前后存在显著突变,年降水量突变不明显;干季气温与年气温主要表现为10~15 a的周期,湿季降水与年降水存在1个准10 a的变化周期。②1998年之前白水1号冰川末端进退受气温与降水共同控制,1998年之后则主要受控于气温;冷季缩短、气温增加是玉龙雪山东坡不同海拔高度气温变化的主要特征,其中冰川区增温值最大在2.2~2.5℃之间,冰川加速消融。
基于历史文献记录,运用REOF分析方法将西北地区1470~2008 AD干湿序列分解为空间函数和时间函数,用前6个主要空间特征向量描述西北地区干湿变化的空间格局,构建区域干湿指数(RDWI),表征区域干湿变化的程度及差异。研究发现:1) 西北地区降水量分布场大致以105?E为界呈现东湿西干的格局,湿极出现在陕南,而玉树则是旱极。2) 1470~2008年西北地区干旱年份有41年,偏干79年,正常年份有285年,偏湿年份95年,湿润年份39年。极端干旱年份有1484,1528,1586,1640,1759,1877,1878,1928,1900,1915,1929;极端湿润年份有1570,1662,1736,1745,1753,1756,1819,1884,1887,1958,1964。3) RDWI数据序列11点低通滤波表明西北地区1470~2008年干湿年代际波动变化特征极为复杂,主要存在8个干湿变化旋回。其中1481~1497,1527~1531,1583~1588,1628~1642,1713~1722,1874~1879,1915~1931年为连续干旱时段。4) 采用小波与连续功率谱分析发现西北地区1470~2008年间存在着64~90年、32~48和11~22年左右的3类周期变化规律。检测出的64年的周期以及未检测出200年的周期与已有研究不同。
Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of a Temperate-Glacier's Active-Layer Temperature and Its Responses to Climate Change: A Case Study of Baishui Glacier No. 1, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau被引量:3
Based on the historical documents and measured data from the active-layer temperature (ALT) at A, B and C locations (4 670, 4 720 and 4 770 m a.s.l.) on Baishui Glacier No. 1, southeastern Tibetan Plateau, this paper analyzed spatial-temporal characteristics of ALT and its relationship with air temperature, and revealed the response of the active layer ice temperature towards climate change in the monitoring period. The results showed that the influence of air temperature on the active-layer ice temperature had a hysteresis characteristic on the upper of ablation zone and the lag period in- creased gradually with the altitude elevating. The decrease amplitude of ALT in the accumulation pe- riod was far below its increase magnitude in the ablation period. At the same time, the mean glacier ice temperatures at 10 m depth (T10) in A, B and C profile were obviously higher than most of glaciers previously studied. Measured data also showed that the mean ALT increased by 0.24℃ in 0.5-8.5 m depth of the C profile during 28 years from July 11, 1982 to July 10, 2009.
Shijin WangJiankuo DuYuanqing He
Spatial and temporal variation of drought index in a typical steep alpine terrain in Hengduan Mountains被引量:1
This study describes the spatial and temporal variation of a drought index and makes inferences regarding the environmental factors that influence this variability in the Hengduan Mountains. A drought index is typically used to determine the moisture conditions and the magnitude of water deficiency in a given area. Based on data from 26 meteorological stations over the period 1960-2012, the spatial and temporal variations of the drought index were analyzed using a thin plate smoothing splines method that considered elevation as a covariate. The drought index was estimated based on the potential evapotranspiration(E0) as defined by the Penman Monteith model modified by FAO(1998). The results of the reported analysis showed that the drought index in the Hengduan Mountains has been decreasing since 1960 at a rate of-0.008/a. This represented a progressive shift from the "sub-humid" class, which typified the wider area in the Hengduan Mountains, toward the "humid" class, which appeared in the Hengduan Mountains areas. The drought index was relatively high in the north and low in the south and the variation of the drought index varied with seasons. The drought index showed increasing trends in summer and autumn and it is greater in autumn than in summer, while it showed a decreasing trend in spring and winter. Drought index is inversely proportional to the soil relative humidity and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI).
ZHU Guo-fengYANG LingQIN Da-heTONG Hua-liLIU Yuan-fengLI Jia-fang
Variation of Thornthwaite Moisture Index in Hengduan Mountains, China被引量:5
The Thornthwaite moisture index, an index of the supply of water (precipitation) in an area relative to the climatic demand for water (potential evapotranspiration), was used to examine the spatial and temporal variation of drought and to verify the influence of environmental factors on the drought in the Hengduan Mountains, China. Results indicate that the Thornthwaite moisture index in the Hengduan Mountains had been increasing since 1960 with a rate of 0.1938/yr. Annual Thomthwaite moisture index in Hengduan Mountains was between -97.47 and 67.43 and the spatial heterogeneity was obvious in different seasons. Thomthwaite moisture index was high in the north and low in the south, and the monsoon rainfall had a significant impact on its spatial distribution. The tendency rate of Thomthwaite moisture index variation varied in different seasons, and the increasing trends in spring were greater than that in summer and autumn. However, the Thomthwaite moisture index decreased in winter. Thomthwaite moisture index increased greatly in the north and there was a small growth in the south of Hengduan Mountains. The increase of precipitation and decrease of evaporation lead to the increase of Thomthwaite moisture index. Thornthwaite moisture index has strong correlation with vegetation coverage. It can be seen that the correlation between Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Thomthwaite moisture index was positive in spring and summer, but negative in autumn and winter. Correlation between Thornthwaite moisture index and relative soil relative moisture content was positive in spring, summer and autumn, but negative in winter. The typical mountainous terrain affect the distribu- tion of temperature, precipitation, wind speed and other meteorological factors in this region, and then affect the spatial distribution of Thomthwaite moisture index. The unique ridge-gorge terrain caused the continuity of water-heat distribution from the north to south, and the water-heat was stronger than that from the
ZHU GuofengQIN DaheTONG HualiLIU YuanfengLI JiafangCHEN DongdongWANG KaiHU Pengfei