Crossing the Sino-Russian boundary, Xingkai Lake is the largest freshwater lake in Northeast Asia. In addition to the lakeshore, there are four sand hills on the north side of the lake that accumulated during a period of sustainable and stable lacustrine trans gression and were preserved after depression. Analysis of well-dated stratigraphic sequences based on 18 OSL datings combined with multiple index analysis of six sites in the sand hills revealed that the north shoreline of Xingkai Lake retreated in a stepwise fashion since the middle Pleistocene, and that at least four transgressions (during 193-183 ka, 136-130 ka, 24-15 ka and since 3 ka) and three depressions occurred during this process. The results of this study confirmed that transgressive stages were concur- rent with epochs of climate cooling, whereas the period of regression corresponded to the climatic optima. Transgressions and regressions were primarily caused by variations in the intensity of alluvial accumulation in the Ussuri River Valley and fluctuations in regional temperature and humidity that were controlled by climatic change. Moreover, one obvious transgressive process that occurred in MIS3 may have been related to enhanced precipitation that was reportedly widespread in the west of China, while shortterm fluctuations in the lake level might well be a direct response to regional precipitation variations on the millennial scale.
利用漫反射光谱技术得到湖光岩玛珥湖沉积物的叶绿素a浓度.通过与TOC、Sr/Rb比值和磁化率的对比发现,叶绿素a浓度能够忠实地反映湖泊初级生产力的变化,较高的叶绿素a浓度代表季风较强、降雨量较高,反之亦然.湖光岩玛珥湖沉积物多环境代用指标分析结果显示,湛江地区早全新世季风强盛,中全新世季风迅速衰退.这种全新世季风演化模式与北半球季风区的很多地质记录以及北纬30°变化趋势相似,反映了太阳辐射是湛江地区千年尺度季风演化的主要驱动因素,但是湛江地区的季风演化滞后于太阳辐射变化大约2200 a.叶绿素a浓度记录显示6000 a BP左右季风迅速减弱,这与其他记录显示的季风渐变模式不同.一方面,太阳辐射渐变激发了湛江地区植被-大气圈的负反馈作用,这可能是造成6000 a BP左右气候迅速变干的原因之一;另一方面,沉积速率增加导致的稀释作用放大了叶绿素a浓度下降的趋势.3600 a BP以来的沉积环境可能受到了人类活动的影响.