As a common pollutant of nitrogen in groundwater, nitrate contamination has become a major concern worldwide. Baseflow, one of the dominant hydrological pathways for nitrate migration to streamflow, has been confirmed as a leading nitrate source for stream water where groundwater or subsurface flow contaminated heavily by nitrate. That is, sufficient improvements of water quality may not be attained without proper management for baseflow, even if non-point sources(NPS) pollutants discharged through surface runoff are being well managed. This article reviews the primary nitrate sources, the main factors affecting its transport, and the methodologies for baseflow nitrate estimation, to give some recommendations for future works, including:(1) giving sufficient consideration for the effects of climatological, morphological, and geological factors on baseflow recessions to obtain more reliable and accurate baseflow separation;(2) trying to solve calibration and validation problems for baseflow loads determining in storm flow period;(3) developing a simple and convenient algorithm with certain physics that can be used to separate baseflow NPS pollution from the total directly in different regions, for a reliable estimation of baseflow NPS pollution at larger scale(e.g., national scale);(4) improving groundwater quality simulation module of existing NPS pollution models to have a better simulation for biogeochemical processes in shallow aquifers;(5) taking integrated measures of "source control", "process interception" and "end remediation" to prevent and control NPS nitrate pollution effectively, not just only the strict control of nutrients loss from surface runoff.
目的:建立k-ras基因突变的焦磷酸测序方法,并分析该基因在结直肠癌中的突变率。方法:制备10份卫生部临床检验中心2013年全国kras基因突变检测室间质评模板DNA,对焦磷酸测序技术检测k-ras基因突变方法进行验证;制备230例结直肠癌标本g DNA,应用Pyro Mark Q24焦磷酸测序仪进行k-ras基因的焦磷酸测序。结果:建立了k-ras基因突变的焦磷酸测序新方法,检测正确率100%;230例结直肠癌标本中共检出基因突变型33例,总突变率14.34%(33/230),其中12号密码子上34G>T的突变率为1.74%(4/230),35G>A的突变率为5.22%(12/230),35G>T的突变率为3.04%(7/230),37G>A的突变率为0.43%(1/230),13号密码子上38G>A的突变率为3.91%(9/230)。结论:k-ras基因突变的焦磷酸测序新方法具有快速、准确和高通量的优点,适合于在科研和临床基因扩增检验中推广。
该工作以富含大量胸腺嘧啶(Thymine,T)核酸单链为识别分子,SYBR Green I (SG)为荧光基团,建立了一种简单、灵敏的荧光增强法检测Hg2+。由于T-Hg2+-T键的形成,富T单链自我折叠或者两两配对形成双链DNA结构,当溶液中的SG嵌入DNA双链中时,SG荧光强度显著增强。实验结果表明,SG荧光强度随着Hg2+浓度的增加而增加。在最优实验条件下,SG的荧光强度与Hg2+的浓度在4.000×10-7~2.000×10-6 mol/L范围内呈线性关系,检出限为3.900×10-8 mol/L。该方法在含5.0%湘江水实际样品中获得的回收率为98.72%~104.5%,因此该传感器可用于实际湘江水样品中Hg2+的测量。