The basalt-borne peridotite xenoliths from Jiangsu-Anhui provinces were analyzed for whole rock Os isotopic compositions in two laboratories of USTC, China and CRPG, France, respectively. The ^(187)Os/^(188)Os ratio of the sample set ranges from 0.119 to 0.129 (25 samples, USTC) and from 0.117 to 0.131 (17 samples, CRPG). The Os isotopic compositions of most samples are less than 0.129 and depleted relatively to the primitive mantle, showing a good correlation with the major element compositions. With the ^(187)Os/^(188)Os-AI2O3 alumichron, the samples yield a model age of 2.5±0.1 Ga (data of USTC) and 1.9±0.1 Ga (data of CRPG), late Archean to early Pro-terozoic. The two samples with the lowest ^(187)Os/^(188)Os ratio (0.119 and 0.117) have the T_(RD) (Re depleted age) of 1.1 Ga (USTC) and 1.4 Ga (CRPG), mid-Proterozoic. The Os isotope model age shows that the peridotite xenoliths from Cenozoic alkali basalt in Jiangsu-Anhui provinces have an old formation age (early- to mid- Proterozoic). They are not newly produced mantle after the Phanerozoic replacement of the lithosphere mantle, but residual fractions of Proterozoic mantle.
The regression formula between 3He/4He ratio of underground fluids and terrestrial heat flow in continental areas is tested by data sets from the former Soviet Union and the mainland of China. The results show that there is no close relation between the two values. The heat-He relation might estimate the regional heat flow value with ±25% accuracy at best. We propose that the ratio of crust/mantle component of continental heat flow (qc/qm) be inversely related to the 3He/4He ratio of underground fluids. Based on data sets of 3He/4He ratio and qc/qm in the Eurasia and Canadian Shield, we obtain the regression relation between qc/qm and 3He/4He: qc/qm = 0.815-0.300*loge(3He/4He), in which the unit of 3He/4He is Ra (atmospheric 3He/4He ratio). The crust and mantle heat flow components can be taken from surface heat flow and qc/qm ratio. Based on this formula and heat flow data in major basins of China, the crustal, mantle heat flow values and the average crustal heat production rates were estimated. The estimated crustal chemical composition of China is in agreement with the result inferred by deep seismic sounding survey. Helium isotope ratio (3He/4He) of underground fluids may be a useful parameter for separating crust and mantle components of continental heat flow.