Measurement of two phase flow in porous medium for sequestration was carried out using high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique. The porous medium was a packed bed of glass beads. Spin echo multi sequence was used to measure the distribution of CO2 and water in the porous medium. The intensity images show that the fluid distribution is non-uniform due to its viscosity and pore structure of porous medium. The velocity distribution of fluids is calculated from the saturation of water and porosity of porous medium. The experimental results show that fluid velocities vary with time and position. The capillary dispersion rate donated the effects of capillary, which was largest at water saturations of 0.45. The displacement process is different between in BZ-02 and BZ-2. The final water residual saturation depends on permeability and porosity.
The objective of this study is to understand the process of fluid flow in pipe and porous media with different pore structures. High-resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technique was used to visualize the pore structure and measure fluid flow. The porous media was formed by packed bed of glass beads. Flow measurement was carried out by a modified spin echo sequence. The results show that the velocity distribution in pipe is annular and the linear relation between MRI velocity and actual velocity is found in pipe flow measurement. The flow distribution in porous media is rather heterogeneous, and it is consistent with heterogeneous pore structure. The flow through pores with the high volume flow rate is determined largely by geometrical effects such as pore size and cross-sectional area.
It is important to quantitatively understand the methane adsorption and transport mechanism in coal for an evaluation of the reserves and for its production forecast. In this work, a block coal sample was chosen to perform the CH_4 adsorption experiments using the gravimetric method at temperatures of 293.60 K, 311.26 K, 332.98 K and 352.55 K and pressures up to 19 MPa. The excess adsorption capacity of CH_4 in dry block anthracite increased, followed by a sequence decrease with the increasing pressure. High temperature restrained the growth of the excess adsorption due to that the adsorption is an intrinsically physical and exothermic process. The excess adsorption peak decreased slowly with the increase of temperature and intersected at a pressure of more than 18 MPa; meanwhile, the pressure at the excess adsorption peak increased. The existing correlations were exanfined in terms of density rather than pressure. The DR+k correlation, with an average relative deviation of 4-0.51%, fitted our data better than the others, with an average relative deviation of up to 2.29%. The transportation characteristics of CH_4 adsorption was also investigated in this study, including the adsorption rate and diffusion in block coal. The kinetic data could be described by a modified unipore model. The adsorption rates were found to exhibit dependence on pressure and temperature at low pressures, while the calculated diffusivities exhibited little temperature dependence. In addition, the kinetic characteristics were compared between CH_4 and CO_2 adsorption on the block coal. The excess adsorption ratios of CO_2 to CH_4 obtained from the DR+k model decreased with the increasing pressure.