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作品数:12 被引量:4H指数:1


  • 12篇中文期刊文章


  • 10篇理学
  • 2篇核科学技术
  • 1篇天文地球


  • 4篇CMS
  • 3篇电磁量能器
  • 3篇J/Ψ
  • 3篇Π
  • 3篇DISCRI...
  • 2篇夹层
  • 2篇EARLY
  • 2篇LHC
  • 2篇SHOWER
  • 1篇英文
  • 1篇宇宙
  • 1篇宇宙线
  • 1篇三维重建
  • 1篇能量分辨率
  • 1篇强子
  • 1篇蒙特卡洛方法
  • 1篇极化
  • 1篇角分辨
  • 1篇角分辨率
  • 1篇高能


  • 3篇中国科学院
  • 1篇北京大学


  • 3篇李祖豪
  • 3篇杨民
  • 3篇王小斌
  • 3篇杨曌宇
  • 3篇陈国明
  • 3篇张少鹤
  • 3篇吕雨生
  • 3篇陈刚
  • 3篇陈和生
  • 2篇李新乔
  • 1篇钱思进
  • 1篇胡震
  • 1篇郭爽
  • 1篇陶军全


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  • 3篇高能物理与核...
  • 1篇北京大学学报...


  • 1篇2012
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12 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Study of new boson W1^± in the Minimal Higgsless Model at the LHC
The Minimal Higgsless Model predicts the existence of new vector gauge boson W1^±, By the process PP →W1^±qq →W^±Z^0qq, Z^0→ 1^+1^-, W^±→ qq (1=e,μ; q is hadronized to be jets), we study the sensitivity of searching for this possible vector gauge boson in the level of generator events of signal and backgrounds, then give integrated luminosity required to discover 5σ signal as a function of W1^± mass. The generator for the signal PP → W1^±qq →W^±Z^0qq at tree level is developed with the Minimal Higgsless Model and then interfaced with PYTHIA for the patton showers and hadronization. The backgrounds are produced with MadGraph and PYTHIA.
描述测量J/Ψ介子极化的方法,该方法能够测量质心能量为10 TeV(或以上)的质子对撞中产生的J/Ψ介子的极化参量随其横向动量的变化,LHC上的CMS探测器收集到的前50 pb-1的数据就可以完成这项测量。研究了用于提取极化参量α的拟合过程的误差,并分析了相应的测量精度。该方法的测量精度受到统计误差和系统误差的影响,其量级为Δαstat<0.13,Δαsyst<0.01。在费米实验室的CDF实验上曾进行过J/Ψ极化的测量,其结果与非相对论QCD理论预言不符,在CMS上进行的再次测量将为这项研究提供更充足的信息。
胡震郭爽Eric James钱思进
Application of the parametric for mulae for electromagnetic showers in unconverted γ/π~0 discrimination
In the LHC experiment, the neutral pions produced during jet fragmentation are the background sources for all physics channels with high-energy photons in their final state. In this paper, the application of the three-dimensional parametric formula for electromagnetic (EM) showers, which we developed in the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer II experiment, is presented to distinguish the unconverted photons from the neutral pions. With the constructed electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) in a GEANT4 simulation, the parametric formulae were validated and the unconverted γ/π0 discrimination was performed with the Toolkit for Multivariate Data Analysis (TMVA) package in ROOT for different transverse energies ranging from 15 GeV to 75 GeV, which is the most sensitive region for light Higgs (with mass ~120 GeV) searches with the channel H → γγ. With this discrimination method and the selected transverse energy region, we can reject π0 with the effciency from ~ 40% (65–75 GeV) to ~ 90% (15–25 GeV) when keeping 90% γ effciency.
Feasibility study on cross-section measurement ofΥ(1S)→μ^+μ^- by using early CMS data
One of the first physics results that CMS will hopefully obtain will be the analysis of heavy quarkonium productions, including the Υ cross-section measurement. Since the Υ production cross-section from p-p collisions is expected to be relatively large, the analysis should be viable with rather small datasets which will be available soon after the start-up of the LHC. This paper describes the methods and plans for measuring the differential cross-section of Y(1S) →μ^+μ- production, by using data to be collected from the CMS detector in the first LHC run. In this study, about 80 thousand Υ are reconstructed corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 6.4 pb^-1 in 10 TeV proton-proton collisions by using Monte Carlo data. The precision of this measurement is estimated to be about 16%, which is limited by the systematic errors.
On the detectability of Galactic dark matter annihilation into monochromatic gamma-rays
Monochromatic y-rays are thought to be the smoking gun signal for identifying dark matter annihilation. However, the flux of monochromatic y-rays is usually suppressed by virtual quantum effects since dark matter should be neutral and does not couple with y-rays directly. In this work, we study the detection strategy of the monochromatic y-rays in a future space-based detector. The flux of monochromatic y-rays between 50 GeV and several TeV is calculated by assuming the supersymmetric neutralino as a typical dark matter candidate. The detection both by focusing on the Galactic center and in a scan mode that detects y-rays from the whole Galactic halo are compared. The detector performance for the purpose of monochromatic y-ray detection, with different energy and angular resolution, field of view, and background rejection efficiencies, is carefully studied with both analytical and fast Monte-Carlo methods.
Discrimination of converted photons and neutral pions at high energies
In the LHC experiment, the H →γγ channel provides a clean final state with an effective mass peak that is reconstructed with great precision, despite the small branching ratio. As a consequence, the H →γγ channel is one of the most promising channels for the Higgs discovery in the very low mass region. In order to increase the sensitivity of the Higgs search, background rejection rate is very important, so γ/π 0 discrimination is one of the key points in the analysis. At least 40% of photons will convert with the experience of ATLAS and CMS. We constructed electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) in GEANT4 simulation, using 6 variables which have different shapes between converted γ and π 0 , with the TMVA (Toolkit for Multivariate Data Analysis) to do the separation. With this method we can get 30% to 60% π 0 rejection efficiency when keeping 90% converted γ efficiency, in the region of transverse momentum 15 GeV to 75 GeV, not only in MC sumulation but also in real data.
J/ψ→μ~+μ~- reconstruction in the CMS experiment
In this paper the J/ψ→μ^+μ^- reconstruction performance in the CMS experiment at the LHC is studied in detail by using B8→J/ψφ→μμKK events. The reconstruction efficiencies of J/ψ mesons and their decay muons are obtained as a function of the transverse momentum PT and the pseudo-rapidity η. We also study the muon trigger efficiency for this channel with the planned Level-1 trigger and High Level Trigger selection criteria. It was observed that the muon reconstruction efficiency decreases when the two decay muons have a small or large 3D angular separation, which further affects the overall J/ψ reconstruction efficiency.
A study of hadronic shower development in the ECAL of the alpha magnetic spectrometer Ⅱ被引量:1
In this paper, we studied the development of hadronic shower in an electromagnetic calorimeter of Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Ⅱ. Two parametrized empirical formulae were proposed to describe the hadronic shower shape in calorimeter. Using 100 GeV proton beam incident on the center of the ECAL, detailed plots of lateral and longitudinal hadronic shower behavior were given and we found the formulae can describe the development of the hadronic shower with the test beam data. The possible application of the parametrized formulae including e±-π± discrimination and tau jet reconstruction was discussed.