A new two-eigenfunctions theory, using the amplitude deflection and the generalized curvature as two fundamental eigenfunctions, is proposed for the free vibration solutions of a rectangular Mindlin plate. The three classical eigenvalue differential equations of a Mindlin plate are reformulated to arrive at two new eigenvalue differential equations for the proposed theory. The closed form eigensolutions, which are solved from the two differential equations by means of the method of separation of variables are identical with those via Kirchhoff plate theory for thin plate, and can be employed to predict frequencies for any combinations of simply supported and clamped edge conditions. The free edges can also be dealt with if the other pair of opposite edges are simply supported. Some of the solutions were not available before. The frequency parameters agree closely with the available ones through pb-2 Rayleigh-Ritz method for different aspect ratios and relative thickness of plate.
Yufeng Xing Bo Liu The Solid Mechanics Research Center, Beihang University,100191 Beijing, China
The separation of variables is employed to solve Hamiltonian dual form of eigenvalue problem for transverse free vibrations of thin plates, and formulation of the natural mode in closed form is performed. The closed-form natural mode satisfies the governing equation of the eigenvalue problem of thin plate exactly and is applicable for any types of boundary conditions. With all combinations of simplysupported (S) and clamped (C) boundary conditions applied to the natural mode, the mode shapes are obtained uniquely and two eigenvalue equations are derived with respect to two spatial coordinates, with the aid of which the normal modes and frequencies are solved exactly. It was believed that the exact eigensolutions for cases SSCC, SCCC and CCCC were unable to be obtained, however, they are successfully found in this paper. Comparisons between the present results and the FEM results validate the present exact solutions, which can thus be taken as the benchmark for verifying different approximate approaches.
Y. Xing B. Liu The Solid Mechanics Research Center, Beihang University, 100083 Beijing, China
An accurate and efficient differential quadrature time element method (DQTEM) is proposed for solving ordi- nary differential equations (ODEs), the numerical dissipation and dispersion of DQTEM is much smaller than that of the direct integration method of single/multi steps. Two methods of imposing initial conditions are given, which avoids the tediousness when derivative initial conditions are imposed, and the numerical comparisons indicate that the first method, in which the analog equations of initial displacements and velocities are used to directly replace the differential quadra- ture (DQ) analog equations of ODEs at the first and the last sampling points, respectively, is much more accurate than the second method, in which the DQ analog equations of initial conditions are used to directly replace the DQ analog equations of ODEs at the first two sampling points. On the contrary to the conventional step-by-step direct integration schemes, the solutions at all sampling points can be obtained simultaneously by DQTEM, and generally, one differential quadrature time element may be enough for the whole time domain. Extensive numerical comparisons validate the effi- ciency and accuracy of the proposed method.