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4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
Analysis on the Origin and Phylogenetic Status of Tong Sheep Using 12 Blood Protein and Nonprotein Markers
This study is based on the Tong sheep obtained by the random sampling method of typical colonies in the central area of Baishui County in Shaanxi Province, China. An investigation was undertaken to clarify the gene constitution of blood protein and nonprotein types of Tong sheep. Twelve genetic markers were examined by starch-gel electrophoresis and cellulose acetate electrophoresis. Polymorphism in Tong sheep was found at the following 10 loci, transferrin (Tf), alkaline phosphatase (Alp), leucine aminopeptidase (Lap), arylesterase (Ary-Es), hemoglobin-β (Hb-β), X-protein (X-p), carbonic anhydrase (CA), catalase (Cat), malate dehydrogenase (MDH), and lysine (Ly), whereas, albumin (A1) and postalbumin (Po) loci were monomorphic. Genetic approach degree method and phylogenetic relationship clustering method were used to judge the origin and phylogenetic status of Tong sheep. Results from both methods maintained that Tong sheep belonged to the "Mongolia group", and Mongolia sheep was the origin of Tong sheep. This was also supported by the history of Tong sheep breeding. Compared to the phylogenetic relationship clustering method, the genetic approach degree method was more reliable for the extraction from East and South of Central Asia, and was more effective in reflecting the breeding course of Tong sheep.
孙伟常洪杨章平耿荣庆角田健司任战军陈宏宇Musa H.Hussein
选用位于绵羊第6号染色体上与多胎基因(FecB)紧密连锁的微卫星O arAE101、BM 1329、BM 143和O arH H 55以及位于第4号染色体上的O arH H 35标记对湖羊的产羔性状进行研究。结果发现湖羊的5个微卫星位点都达到了高度多态水平(PIC>0.5),这5个微卫星位点可以用于湖羊产羔性状的遗传多样性的评估。方差分析结果表明:5个位点中O arAE101、BM 143各基因型产羔数之间存在极显著差异(P<0.01),BM 1329、O arH H 35各基因型产羔数之间存在显著差异(P<0.05),O arH H 55、BM 1329各基因型产羔数之间差异不显著(P>0.05),本研究对今后湖羊品种的标记辅助选择和分子育种具有重要的应用价值。
Analysis on Genetic Diversity and Isolation Mechanism by Distance of Different Ecological Type Sheep Breeds in Mon-golia Sheep Group被引量:1
In the present study with Tan sheep, small-tailed Han sheep, Hu sheep, Tong sheep, and Wadi sheep, we detected the distribution of gene frequency of several microsatellite sites in different chromosomes, the result showed that: 1) Hu sheep was in the status of Hardy-Weinberg extreme disequilibrium (P 〈 0.01), while populations including Tong sheep, small-tailed Han sheep, Tan sheep, and Wadi sheep were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P 〉 0.05). 2) Variance analysis of the heterozygosity and poly- morphic information content at rnicrosatellite makers showed that there were not significant differences among populations as to heterozygosity and PIC (P 〉 0.05), as to effective number of alleles there were not significant differences both among Tan sheep, Hu sheep, Tong sheep, and Wadi sheep, and between Wadi sheep and small-tailed sheep (P 〉 0.05), but between the former three populations and the latter two populations, there were significant differences (0.01〈 P 〈0.05). The variation levels of small-tailed Han sheep was the highest in the five populations based on microsatellite maker data, subsequently followed by Wadi sheep, Tong sheep, Tan sheep, and then Hu sheep. 3) The phylogenetic relationships of the five sheep populations in this study did not meet the mechanism of isolation by distance, and the genetic differentiation relationships among five sheep populations were not closely linearly correlative with their geography distribution. Our findings supported related records in literature: The five populations originated on different time stage from the primogenitor population and communicated genetically with each other thereafter in the process of natural and artificial selection and on different ecological environment.
The Levels of Genetic Differentiation of Small-Tailed Han Sheep and Tan Sheep Populations Using Structural Loci被引量:1
Using the method of "random sampling in typical colonies of the central area of the habitat" and several electrophoresis techniques, the variations of 17 structural loci encoding blood proteins in 60 Small-Tailed Han sheep and 73 Tan sheep were examined and compared with those of 14 other sheep populations in China and other countries to investigate their levels of genetic differentiation. The average heterozygosities of Small-Tailed Han sheep and Tan sheep were 0.2360 and 0.2587, respectively. The average polymorphic information content values were 0.1974 and 0.2102, respectively. The average effective numbers of alleles were 1.5723 and 1.5751, respectively. The coefficients of gene differentiation in the four groups (including 4, 6, 13, and 16 sheep populations, respectively) were 0.049323, 0.059987, 0.1728, and 0.201256, respectively, indicating that the degree of gene differentiation at the structural loci was the least in Hu sheep, Tong sheep, Small-Tailed Hart sheep, and Tan sheep; followed by the above-mentioned four sheep populations and two Mongolian sheep populations; and was the highest in sheep populations belonging to the Mongolian sheep group, South Asian sheep, and European sheep. The earlier researchers' conclusions that both Small-Tailed Han sheep and Tan sheep evolved from Mongolian sheep were further verified by the results of this study. Hu sheep, Tong sheep, Small-Tailed Han sheep, and Tan sheep were decreasingly affected by the bloodline of Mongolian sheep to different degrees. The relationships among sheep populations were not closely related to the geographical distances among sheep populations.
LU Sheng-xiaCHANG HongJI De-junTsunoda KenjiREN Zhan-junREN Xiang-lianSUN WeiYANG Zhang-pingCHANG Guo-bin