In this paper, we shall study the solutions of functional equations of the formΦ=∑α∈Zsa(α)Φ(M.-α)where is an r × 1 column vector of functions on the s-dimensional Euclidean space,a := (a(a))α∈Zs is an exponentially decaying sequence of r × r complex matrices called refinement mask and M is an s × s integer matrix such that limn∞ M-n =0. We axe interested in the question, for a mask a with exponential decay, if there exists a solution ~ to the functional equation with each function φj, j = 1,... ,r, belonging to L2(Rs) and having exponential decay in some sense? Our approach will be to consider the convergence of vector cascade algorithms in weighted L2 spaces. The vector cascade operator Qa,M associated with mask a and matrix M is defined by