Single-index varying-coefficient models (SIVCMs) are very useful in multivariate nonparametric regression.However,there has less attention focused on inferences of the SIVCMs.Using the local linear method,we propose estimates of the unknowns in the SIVCMs.In this article,our main purpose is to examine whether the generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) tests are applicable to the testing problem for the index parameter in the SIVCMs.Under the null hypothesis our proposed GLR statistic follows the chi-squared distribution asymptotically with scale constant and degree of freedom independent of the nuisance parameters or functions,which is called as Wilks' phenomenon (see Fan et al.,2001).A simulation study is conducted to illustrate the proposed methodology.
In this paper, we investigate the estimation of semi-varying coefficient models when the nonlinear covariates are prone to measurement error. With the help of validation sampling, we propose two estimators of the parameter and the coefficient functions by combining dimension reduction and the profile likelihood methods without any error structure equation specification or error distribution assumption. We establish the asymptotic normality of proposed estimators for both the parametric and nonparametric parts and show that the proposed estimators achieves the best convergence rate. Data-driven bandwidth selection methods are also discussed. Simulations are conducted to evaluate the finite sample property of the estimation methods proposed.
In many medical studies,the prevalence of interval censored data is increasing due to periodic monitoring of the progression status of a disease.In nonparametric regression model,when the response variable is subjected to interval-censoring,the regression function could not be estimated by traditional methods directly.With the censored data,we construct a new response variable which has the same conditional expectation as the original one.Based on the new variable,we get a nearest neighbor estimator of the regression function.It is established that the estimator has strong consistency and asymptotic normality.The relevant simulation reports are given.
In many applications,covariates can be naturally grouped.For example,for gene expression data analysis,genes belonging to the same pathway might be viewed as a group.This paper studies variable selection problem for censored survival data in the additive hazards model when covariates are grouped.A hierarchical regularization method is proposed to simultaneously estimate parameters and select important variables at both the group level and the within-group level.For the situations in which the number of parameters tends to∞as the sample size increases,we establish an oracle property and asymptotic normality property of the proposed estimators.Numerical results indicate that the hierarchically penalized method performs better than some existing methods such as lasso,smoothly clipped absolute deviation(SCAD)and adaptive lasso.